Chapter Four

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Teen Wolf P.O.V.

Scott looked over at Lydia. "Why is Malia not answering any of my texts?" Lydia asked, frustrated.

"We are on a plane, Lydia. I'm not sure if she is receiving your texts right now." Scott replied.

"It just, it doesn't feel right. It feels like something happened to her." Lydia looked out of the window of the plane.

Isaac and Derek were sitting behind them, listening, until Isaac spoke up. "Do you think W.I.C.K.E.D. has her as well?"

Scott sighed. Honestly, he didn't know where she could be. Maybe she was with WICKED, or just out somewhere. Isaac, seeing that he wasn't going to answer, laid back and stared out the window as well. The rest of the plane ride was silent for them, all of them nervous and excited for what they might find.


Day Four In The Glade

Stiles looked around. He was in a room, laying down. He could hear someone talking. "He's ready to begin the trails." The woman said.

'What trials?' Stiles thought. He looked to his right, and saw people in white suits, setting up a machine. He then looked to his left, and saw a girl. 'Malia!' He thought. She was lying right next to him. She was asleep though, so they would have to talk later. Soon, one of the people in the white suits, a man, started walking towards him, holding a needle with a blue liquid in it. He tried to get away, but he was straped into the bed he was on. The person gave him the shot. A sedative. Stiles was familiar with them, after his time in Echo House. The man said to him before he could fall asleep, "WICKED is good."

Stiles felt something wrong. This sedative was different. As he soon fell unconscious, he watched as his memories began to fade away. He wanted to scream, he didn't know what was happening. He then felt pain course throughout his body, the pain he felt during the Nogitsune. It scared him, he didn't know what was happening. Soon Stiles was in a different room. But that wasn't his name anymore. Once he had woken up, he had no memories. He was confused. They all called him Thomas, so he supposed that was his name. Soon, another needle was going into him, another sedative. What he saw while he was unconscious scared him. Huge creatures. A maze. And the last thing sent a shiver down his spine. Death.

Thomas woke up, sweat beads on his forehead. It was just a dream. He thought. But it wasn't a dream, it was a memory. Thomas looked around. It was daytime. He got up, and went into the Maze with Minho. They went to the Cliff again, and Minho had an idea of throwing vines across for direction of where the hole was. Sure enough, they went to something, but it was invisible. Soon the day was ending. But they were not ready for what was about to happen.

Thomas was eating dinner next to Newt and Minho when he heard someone scream. They all ran out, trying to see what was happening.

"The doors, they aren't closing!" Minho yelled. Newt looked scared. They could hear the grievers wandering the Maze. Soon they would be in the Glade.

"Go to the Gathering Hall! Get as many boards as possible, we need to hide!" Minho yelled, giving orders to the people near them. Thomas saw Chuck and yelled for him to go to the Gathering Hall. Then, he heard it. They are almost here. When I wake up, they will enter. Someone will die, Stiles, you need to hide. It was in his head, but it sounded familiar. He didn't know how to respond, so he just nodded confusedly to nothing. Then, he heard it. The metal clank of the griever nearing the Glade. Soon, he heard someone scream that the girl was waking up. Thomas, Newt and Minho all looked at each other. They ran to where she was, and she looked at Thomas. "We need to hide." Minho said to her, and she nodded, acting confused. They ran to the corn field, and all of a sudden someone was being thrown by a scorpion like tail. Grievers. Thomas thought. They ran into the Gathering Hall, and everyone was silent. They could heard the griever just outside of the building. All of a sudden, the griever grabbed one of the guys in the Hall that was with them. Thomas grabbed the boys arm, and everyone tried to save him, but it was too late. The griever pulled him up, and then there was a blood-curling scream. Then silence. They were gone. Everyone sat back down, all astonished at what just happened. Luckily the guy didn't get stung, because Thomas had broken it off trying to get the griever to leave.

     After the grievers were gone, everyone went outside. Thomas saw someone walking towards them. Gally. He was angry. Once he got to Thomas, he punched him in the face, causing his nose to bleed. Thomas fell to the ground, and Newt and Minho were trying to get Gally to calm down.

     "This is all your fault! First you come up, then the girl, and then all of this happens! Someone died tonight, and that's because of you!" Gally yelled at Thomas, pure anger in his voice.

As Newt and Minho were fighting with Gally to try and calm him down, Thomas grabbed the needle off the ground, since he had dropped it when he fell. He looked at Malia, and she looked at him with a, What are you doing? look. Then, before anyone could stop him, he stabbed himself with the needle. He heard that during the Changing, people get their memories back. And he needed to remember what happened before he came here, to see why this happened after he arrived. Newt and Minho were calling his name, but Thomas couldn't hear them. He fell to the ground, and went unconscious. He could hear faint yelling before it all went black.

Teen Wolf P.O.V.

     As they arrived in Canada, they saw that it was scorched. They began to walk, and two guards led them to a huge facility. And to their luck, it had a logo on it, with the word WICKED spread across the door. Scott smiled. They were one step closer to finding Stiles. The guards led them to a woman, and her tag read, Ava Paige. He waved, trying to act nice, but if this was the woman that took Stiles, he was furious. She showed them around, and soon, she took them to a big screen tv. It was a camera of somewhere. She said that it was called the Glade, and then Scott saw him. Stiles. He was laying in a bed, with a bloodied nose and his veins were black. He was thrashing around as if he was in pain.

     "What happened to him?" Scott asked, trying to calm himself. Ava looked at him.

    "It's something called the Changing. It's what happens when one of them get stung by a griever. It hurts them, but they get some of their memories back." She said, vaugley.

     Griever? Memories lost? Scott wasn't just angry now, but confused. Soon, the girl spoke again. "The trails are almost over. Soon you will be able to see him, if he survives." She looked at Scott. "I know you know him. And we took him for a good reason." Scott was very angry. If he survives? He thought to himself. He then saw something that made him feel worse. There was Malia, sitting next to him. Isaac was right, they did have her. They watched the screen as if something would happen, anything. But still, all they saw was Stiles, thrashing in the bed.

     "There is a way to make their brains work so they can get out earlier, but it could be risky." She then said. Everything we do us risky. Scott thought. He looked over at Lydia. They had told Derek and Isaac to wait in the car they rented, just in case something happened.

     Then Scott nodded. He needed Stiles and Malia back. No matter what.



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been very active, school just started so I was getting all that stuff done. I was also wondering, would you guys like a OC x Gally story? It might be a short story, but I'm not sure yet. Sorry about the short chapter again as well. Remember, never stop running.

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