Chapter 7

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Robin's POV

I trudged through the dark streets of Central City, my hands stuffed into the pockets of my black sports leggings. I had worn them with my blue hoodie because I had a feeling I was going to be over at Wally's house for a while, and might as well be comfy. I kept my head down, so no late night passerby would notice me, not that there were many. I walked down to Wally's mailbox, taking a deep breath, I went to his door.

Knock knock knock

There was the sound of people yelling, a couple things crashing, and then silence. I was about to raise my hand out of my pocket to knock on the door again when there was the sound of feet walking to the door, and it was cautiously pulled open. A dark face covered by a hood greeted me, staring at me with a harsh scowl which quickly turned into a curious look. There was something familiar about that face, but I couldn't place it.

"Uh, I'm here to see-"

"Wallace?" The man cut me off. Yep, definitely something familiar about the voice.

"Uh, yeah...are you his dad?" I asked. No, I have never met Wally's dad.

The man laughed. "Nah, but I'm his dad's friend. Come in boy, I'll take you to Wallace."

I smiled and nodded, stepping in even though I did not trust the man. As soon as the door closed behind me, something hit me other back of the head. As my body crumpled to the ground, the last thing I heard was laughter.

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