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Chapter 2

The weekend flew by and so were the days. I was busy with the upcoming exhibit and Emma was also busy with her projects. Though we may be in the same university, we both selected different courses. Emma decided to take Communication Arts and I selected Fine Arts as my college. We both agreed to sign up to one club so we can still be together at least. We signed up for the photography club. Though I may be talented in painting, I am proud to say that I can take beautiful photos.

When I decided to pursue fine arts for my course, I knew there was not backing out. As I have said, I belong to an eccentric family. All members are talented and famous for something. I was born gifted with a talent to paint. Ever since I was kid, I have been painting and really did not require learning the craft. I was just born with it. But unlike my family, I really do not want to be famous or popular, I just want to paint, put up my work in an exhibit then go on to another project. I do have that fear of people knowing who I really am and I am worried they may hate my works if they find out. I really do not have that much confidence when it comes to my sexuality. But I am confident with my painting, it is the only truth about me that I can share to the world. My painting reflects my feelings and appreciation of things around me.

I was so busy thinking about the upcoming exhibition that I did not notice someone approaching me.

"Ouch, hey watch it!" Pick shouted.

"I'm sorry, I was not paying attention to where I was heading." I profusely apologize.

"Rome? Wait, youre also studying here?"

"Oh, Pick, yeah, I am at the College of Fine Arts. Emma and I decided to be in this university together. I'm sorry about bumping onto you, my mind was somewhere else." I was not really expecting I will bumped into him of all people.

"Aaww, really stuck in the hips eh, well at least you guys are in different colleges. I am in the Film department. I think Emma and I are in the same building. You say you are in the Fine Arts department? Wow, I did not expect you as an artsy type of person."

"Yeah, well I want to give it a try and I have always enjoyed Art since I was a kid." I really don't want to talk about myself that much especially with Pick.

"Well, it seems you and Emma have been busy, I hardly get to see her even though she and I are in the same building. What have you guys been up to?" Pick inquired.

"The club that we joined has an upcoming exhibit next week and Emma and I are just scrambling to meet the deadline. Aside from that, I have another project I need to complete as well and tons of homework on the side. Emma and I hardly get to see each other as well because our schedules are just tight."

"I see. Well, don't stress yourself too much on your deadlines and projects okay. Make sure you eat and get enough sleep. I am starting to see dark shadows under your eyes."

I know he was teasing and I smiled at that.

"Thanks Pick! I will try to get enough rest. I need to go. I will see you around."

As I was about to leave, Pick grabbed my arm, stopping me from leaving.

"Before you leave, can I have your number first? At least I can call you and invite you if my band and I have another gig."

I was caught off guard of the question, I really want less interaction with this guy as much as possible.

"Uhm, Emma has my number, you can get it from her." I pulled my arm and ran away from him.

"Rome! Rome! Rome!" Pick shouted.

I did not know what came over me and decided to just ran away from him. Note to self, Rome, stay away from him. Avoid him at all cost.

But who am I to defy destiny. Neither Pick nor I did not know that this will be the start of our love story. None of us were expecting nor at that time needed.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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