Short Story

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I live in this big city in London but had an interview in Manchester me and my boyfriend tried to find a cheap hotel but it is quite hard to find but then my boyfriend found one called The Crypt in my head i wasn't so sure but i was only staying there for 3 days so i booked it and packed up for tomorrow. 

Next day came and i said goodbye to my boyfriend and my family and took the train to Manchester when i got there i called for a taxi and said "Hello can u take me to The Crypt hotel?" he looked at me in fear and shocked and look like he has seen something so i turned around and turn back to face him "Is anything okay?" i ask feeling cold "Oh erm yes miss hop in" while he looked down. I hopped in and on my way. 

I went out of the taxi and looked up it looked old and rusty... Like its gonna collapse any minute. I payed the driver and walked towards the hotel. The lady looked surprised and said "Oh... hello ur room is number 20 heres the keys" and gave me the keys i went on the lift and saw the room in the middle i walked towards it and turn the key in the lock and came in. It looked like a nice peaceful room so i sat on the bed and relaxed while un packing. 

9:17pm and went to bed but i always feel cold like a spirit is here but i thought thats all in my head so shut my eyes...10:37pm i woke up and saw the most strange figure it looked like a skinny man but never make out with sharp gross hands... it slowly turned its head round and had sharp looking teeth and black eye sockets it... i just sat there didn't move or made any noise couldn't even blink. The figure crawled towards me faster and faster until boom it was gone... i couldn't go back to sleep so i stayed awake all night.

Next morning came and had my interview and came back the lady stopped me and asked "How was ur night?" i couldnt tell her anything that happened so i said "Oh... it was good actually slept well thank you" with a smile and walked off. Came to my door and my fear shoot up i trembled and my legs were jelly i told myself "u know what? a movie and popcorn will do me good and i lovely romance movie" i grabbed the popcorn put it in the oven while shutting the windows and curtains and put the movie on and grabbed my warm popcorn while eating. I looked at the mirror and saw the sharp gross hand shadow and dropped the popcorn and didnt move or turn around i just stared at the mirror while my eyes were wide opened... the sharp finger was stroking my head? and then gone again and out of no where the figure was close to me with black eye sockets and kept saying "Shhh Dont tell." "Shhh dont tell." i didnt scream or run away i just stared at it and gone... 

The morning came again didnt had much sleep i called my boyfriend and told him everything about the figure he sounded worried and said "Look its just ur mind playing tricks with u. U did say u didnt had much sleep its all ur mind gorgeous" i knew he wouldnt believe me and maybe he is right. 

The night came and i didnt sleep but the figure didnt came no sharp gross hands nothing? so i thought that its probably my sleep im probably seeing things so i went to sleep and relaxed.

It was morning and i tried to call my boyfriend but no answer always voice mail so i packed my bags quickly and went to the train station the lady came to me and asked "How was ur stay?" and i said "Well tbh i did see a black skinny figure but thats probably my mind but other than that yeah it was good" she looked at me in fear and asked "Did u tell anyone?" i said "Only my boyfriend but now hes not answering..." then she looked at me in horror and said "U should of tell.. thats why that figure said Dont tell".


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