Chapter 2

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Pic above is (The gorgeous stranger)
Ugh, look at me throwing myself at a stranger I've never even met.
This is probably why he cheated on you, a voice in my head reminded me, I could still feel the burn in my stomach, the blue flame from my hand which appeared when I was really angry. What a day.

"Can you get the fuck out of my way now" the handsome stranger gritted out.

I nodded, and stepped out of his way with a sigh, not bothered to argue. He walked past me, his scent passes me and almost makes me run in his arms and breathe in deeply. He smelled of hot spices and the ocean, I love the ocean. I looked at his face and admired his sharp features, as he walked, his light brown hair sways to the side and his eyes zero He approaches me and holds my shoulders..hard

"I don't like people looking at me so stop before I bend that sexy body of yours and smack that ass"

I gasp softly and pull my shoulders away from his grip, my cheeks blushing madly. There was a fire where he touched me, I could still feel it. He smirked at me and gave me a look over before walking away. My breath was caught in my throat, and my heart was thundering.
Just cause of that? Your so pathetic, Clare.
My eyes cast down and I keep walking with my luggage in my hand, until I hear a car screech beside me on the road.
"Hey, Clare!" I whip my head around to see Sara's brother, Aidan, smiling at me.
"Hey Aidan" I say softly, surprised by the amount of happiness I see in his eyes. He motions for me to come in, opening the car door from inside . I walk towards him and take a seat, my arms reaching to close the doors.
"Clare, I sense there's something wrong, what is it?" I lift my head up to stare at his amazing dark blue eyes.
Your honestly so annoying, why do you throw yourself at every guy?

Im not throwing myself at anyone, shut the hell up.

Yeah you are, how many guys have you thought of as hot today? Hm?! Stupid bitch.

That isn't the same as throwing yourself at someone, that's when you have sex with them, something I haven't even done before.

"Hello! Clare, can you hear me?!"

"Yeah, sorry" my brown eyes snap to his dark blues, I honestly haven't met anyone with dark blue eyes, yeah blue or light blue, but never dark blue.

"I broke up with Logan today" I stated, with a monotone voice, trying my best not to show any emotion.

"Yeah?" he whispers happily, i see a flash of happiness in his eyes but it went as soon as it came.
"Yeah" I flip my hair behind my shoulder and motion for him to drive. As we drive, I study his face more accurately. He had full lips with blonde hair in curls, reminding me of Harry Styles' hair. He had a full set of lashes, thick and long with lightly tanned skin.

"What?" He says questioningly, a hint of fluster in his voice.
"Nothing, I'm just studying you" I say quietly, slightly embarrassed. He smirks at me and keeps on driving.

When we got there, I see Sara running out of her door into my arms, tackling me to the ground. "I MISSED YOU, GURL" she screams "but why the hurry? why not stay with Logan?"
I look to the ground, my hair curtaining around my face,
"We broke up" I said acidly, the look of shock written on her. Her body slips off mine "I'm sorry, baby" she hugs me tightly, I wrap my arms around her too and rest my head on her shoulder, a tear threatening to slip out, after everything I've been through, I think I deserve to cry. So I let out my sobs and move my face to her neck when I'm suddenly pulled away from her and into Aidan's arms.

"Don't cry over a douche like him, Clare", he says as he rubs my back comfortingly, I seep into his warmth and cry even harder.
I missed Logan.
After everything, I missed him so much.
I miss him caring for me, worrying even if I had a splinter. His soft chuckles as he would push me against his chest, his hands on my thighs when I was thinking deeply. Everything, I missed him.
I hear a deep voice behind me
"Fancy meeting you here again" my eyes snap to the dark, alluring and rude stranger.
"Yeah" I swallow "fancy that"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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