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The next morning came and went. Originally, I had woken up alone. It wasn't really surprising, but it felt cold. I did not want to admit it but that was one of the safest sleeps I've had since this ordeal happened. I slept throughout the whole night without a nightmare. I wish that I could say that I hated it, and that it was disgusting and vile and nothing I ever wanted to do again, but I couldn't. He was warm and comforting and- ugh. Stockholm syndrome much?

Though I had a good sleep, I still could not rid my mind of what had happened. I was faced with possible fatality, and I survived. I was scared that it could happen again even in this 'safe house.' I did not deserve to be all wound up in the Italian Mafia. It is something out of a story or a movie, not real life. Not my life. It was something I would have to come to terms with, I suppose.

A few hours after I woke up, I finally left the room in order to face my issues head on. I did not know what was going to happen next, or when we would be under attack again, but I needed some answers. I needed to know if I was a target myself. If I would ever be able to live a normal life again under some kind of witness protection program. Maybe my name will be Lisa Valdez or something. 

This house was much different than the last. Instead of the elegance and wealthy feeling, this was more contemporary. Shades of olive, grays, yellow and teal accents. Very interior-design-magazine-cover vibes. It was like a modern family home, and you would not expect it to be a safe house for criminals. Following the sounds of several male voices, I entered the kitchen to see at least a dozen men- none of them people I knew. 

"Well who do we have here?" An older man- probably in his late twenties- asked me, his accent thick. Narrowing my eyes I chose not to respond to the stranger, turning my back. I was not in the mood for creepy men, or to further make a name for myself within the mafia. A calloused hand grabbed at my forearm preventing me from walking anymore and I froze. "I asked you a question." He repeated, a hard edge to his tone of voice. "That is not any of your business." I replied with a hard tone of my own, refusing to show any of the intimidation I felt. 

"What an attitude you have, I'll have to train you to ask nicer." He growled before sharply tugging on my arm. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Asher spoke from the door frame, looking at the man's hand on my arm, with a heated glare. "Ti ucciderà per averti toccato. " He growled at the man, and he immediately let go of me. 

"Gabriella, come with me?" Asher suggested and I voluntarily followed him, no longer wanted to be watched by so many pairs of eyes. After we were out of hearing range, he broke the silence. "Did Brazer hurt you?" He asked me, his voice slightly less monotone than usual. "No, not really. I was about to hurt him." I informed, with a shrug of my shoulders. He snickered and the corner of my lip raised. "What did you say to him?" I asked after a moment, and he immediately replied. "Nothing of importance, what were you looking for?" 

"I wanted answers." I enlightened, which caused him to raise his brows. "Answers about what?" He inferred, obviously cautious of what information he could give me. These men could hide a lot, but this particular thing was none one of them. "Am I a target? Do these bad guys actually know I exist? Will I have to be put under Witness Protection?" I asked, producing questions faster than he could provide answers. 

"Not yet, not really, no, because you're staying with us. We are the protection." He responded with ease, and I felt a little bit more relaxed with that but I was still in the dark about so much. I decided against asking more questions, as I was not really sure I wanted the answers. 

"We are not going to let anybody hurt you, Gabriella." He said after a moment, and I was touched. That was probably one of the nicest things they had ever said to me, and it seemed surreal that the Italian Mafia was going to be taking care of me. A dancer, a good student, a good human and most importantly, normal. At least I was normal, until I was under the radar. I knew that it would not ever be normal again, and it scared me. I had no idea what to expect.

It was around seven at night when Dominic finally showed again. I was perched in one of the grey arm chairs, reading a book I didn't really care about at all when he walked in through the front door with Harrison in tow. Both were quite a sight, blood dying their clothing, and drying dark on their skin. It looked like something out of a horror movie, blood splatters on their faces, and their shirts clinging to their chests. Dominic was sporting a small slash on his forehead, and Harrison's lip was busted. 

Gasping, I got up from my position on the chair to see if they were alright or if I needed to call somebody. "Wh- What? Are you okay?" I asked softly, and Dominic smirked. "Glad to know you care, but none of this is ours." Harrison retorted before Dominic could say a word and my mouth formed an 'o.' 

My eyes were glossy when I had to remind myself that these men were indeed murderers, and as much as I wanted to forget that part it was constantly pushed back in my face. "Excuse me." I whispered hoarsely before slipping past them and up the stairs, leaving the two bloody men in the foyer behind me.

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