1 ; feisty

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Clarke Reyes

"I'll be back at-" I stopped myself, thinking "Sometime this night"

"So like always" My mom said leaning against the doorframe as she folded a towel.

"I can't be bothered to look at the clock" I said opening the door.

"No debes descuidar tu español" She told me in Spanish, making me groan.

"I'm half Cuban that doesn't mean I have to speak Spanish all the time" I rolled my eyes.

"You live in a Spanish speaking country, It does mean that"

"I'll see you later, Madre" I closed the door putting my headphones on.

I walked down the street, stopping at a grocery store. I checked where the cashier was. Nobody seemed to be inside or in front of the store. Not even the cigar smoking man who usually greeted me. I slowly walked in, grabbing some sunglasses and putting them on.
I opened my pockets. The store wasn't making a lot of money so there was only one camera which filmed about 30% of the shop. I went to a corner which was out of sight and stuffed my pockets with jewelry. The store Sold an unusual amount of it even though it wasn't the place to buy it for most people.
I walked towards the exit, looking back one more time. When I saw a boy staring at me, smirking.
I showed him the middle Finger smiling, knowing he saw what I had done.

I reached the beach in 10 minutes. When I sat down on the barstool Beck, the barkeeper's son, greeted me whipping out one of his cringy pickup lines.

"You're 16, maybe you should stop with those ridiculous sayings" I said leaning over the bar to grab a drink.

"You're 15 maybe you should stop acting like this " He chuckled.

I took a sip rolling my eyes annoyed.
"Go back to work"

I waved him away, making him turn away shaking his head. I turned around looking at the water which was full of people, mostly tourists.
I hated summertime for the stupid tourists it brought.

"Nice sunglasses" Someone spoke to me from the side

"Let me guess " I looked at him. "British?"


I rolled my eyes taking off the glasses and putting them in my hair.

"Do you rob people on a daily basis or why are you so comfortable with it?" he asked as nosy as a 5-year-old.

"None of your business" I shot at him.

"Is your name part of my Business? " he asked.

"My name's Raven. Now get the f away from me"
He chuckled and ordered a drink letting me know that he was going to stay.

"So, Raven, may I know your real Name? " he looked through me as if he knew what I was about.

"Clarke. Clarke Reyes." I groaned.

"Harvey" He told me.

"What are you doing here, Harvey" I said pronouncing his name as british as possible.

"Vacation "

"A Teenager, alone in cuba? Unrealistic" I stated.

"What about you then? You're alone and - what? 15 -16?" He laughed.

"I live here, smartass"

"Your english is extremely good for a native spanish speaker" He said impressed.

"Is this some kind of nerdy way to flirt with me? My dad's american"

"So your mum's cuban? That's pretty cool" he nodded.

"Why am I even still talking to you?" I stood up taking my drink.

"That's not very polite" he chuckled.

"leave me alone, brit"

"Why are you so rude? Are you somehow hurt or something?" he asked putting his hands into the pockets of his jacket which was completely unnecessary.

"I just can't be bothered with people like you " I said smiling at him.

"Why thank you "

"Too sad I have to go" I said obviously fake pouting.

He stopped walking, making me be a few meters ahead of him. He looked at me his eye narrowed.

"Sadly you're probably only here for a few days, so..." I looked at the sand under my feet.

"See you in hell, Rich boy"

I walked off the beach, plugging in my earphones. I looked back one more time to see him smiling in a weird way while looking up at the sky.

What can I say- I'm more into Americans.

Havana; Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now