7 ; heartless

315 12 10

'I wish this shit wasn't so tempting, but it's hard to resist when there's plenty of things I could do to fuck me up'

I walk into the grocery store, picking up a few items and actually paying for them. Improving. Olivia O'brien still blasted through my EarPods as I walked towards the beach. Three days had passed since Harvey and I talked about the serious shit we had to deal with at home. Deep down I knew we weren't dating, besides the fact that I was done with boys, it felt like we were more than friends. I couldn't put it into words, something had changed in the past week.

Maybe it was only the fact that Harvey's dad would kill him if he brought home a thief. Maybe it was the fact that I figured Harvey would leave soon, so I wouldn't have to get too serious with him. Maybe it was Max, who told me that Harvey sucked at relationships. Or maybe I just genuinely learned to like someone I should despise.

I reached the bar and saw Harvey sitting next to a blonde girl, I knew too well, Alex. I kept walking but stopped when he kissed her. I felt my chest ache and cursed under my breath.

Suck it up, you don't like a prick like him. I kept telling myself things to make that feeling go away. Harvey seemed so different around me. The assumptions in my head didn't stop. Maybe there was something which died when he found out I had a thing for girls.

Someone tapped my shoulder which made me turn around. To my luck, it was the prick's brother. I snapped out of the basic white girl thoughts.

"He's been hanging out with her a lot recently" Max said, referring to Alex and Harvey.

"They're both hoes" I said coldly. Usually, this would count as a joke, but it came out way too serious.

"I told you. He's got a thing for Starbucks lovers" he told me as we both watched what went on a few meters away from us.

"Gross" I cringed "I liked this beach way more without their horny asses on it"

"Someone woke up on the wrong foot" he chuckled.

"Is there is a right one?" I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't have trusted my brother in the first place" he laughed again.

"I didn't trust him with anything anyways"

"Your dad?" he raised his eyebrows.

"My dad had more class than that whore" I looked at Max who turned around, not wanting to see them anymore.

"You shouldn't have told him so much about yourself" he said, an apologetic smile on his face. I didn't need people to feel sorry for me. We weren't dating.

"My mistake" I mumbled.

"Any plans tonight?" he asked me and I shook my head laughing at his obvious offer.

"A party?" I asked him.

"I thought we could just hang out with a few other guys" he offered and I shrugged, pressing my lips together.

"Sure, why not. Your brother seems to be busy anyway." I looked back at him for a second. His hair was messed up, probably because Alex couldn't keep his hands off him. Alex stood up and went away, leaving Harvey with smudges of lipstick on his neck. "I'll catch you later."

I walked over to Harvey after saying good bye to Max. I was mad at myself. I thought I considered him a friend. Turns out, I fell for him quicker than I thought.

"Alex? Really?" I asked sitting down next to him. He jumped, not expecting me since he was on his phone. "Hoe"

"I thought you were friends"

"Did I say I meant Alex with 'hoe'?"

"Shots fired" his eyes widened as he put his phone away.

"You told Max about my dad? Really?" I said furiously.

"I didn't?" he looked at me confused. 

"Who else could have told Max?"

"Max probably just spied on us or some shit. He wants something from you, he'd do anything to make you stay away from me" he said chuckling but he sounded sad. Do you know those awkward haha's? Just like that.

"I'm too old for this 4th grader drama" I sighed leaning back.

"I can't tell if you were jealous or if you thought we had some bro-code going on"

"None of those" I said and he raised his eyebrows. I liked him, more than I should have.

"I wouldn't be mad if you were jealous" He laughed and I didn't even bother to answer. What should I have done? Lie? I don't lie about unnecessary things. "I don't like Alex anyways"

"Like I said, hoe" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled. What a bitch.

"Come on as if you didn't ever consider us to be more than friends" he narrowed his eyes at me. I didn't want to admit it. He made out with one of my friends, insulted his own brother and then asked me a stupid question. I should've hated him.

"You know, maybe I did." His lips formed into a smirk as the words left my mouth. "But then I realized what a dick you really are and went out to make out with your brother"

"I hate you" he laughed and talked about irrelevant things again. Maybe that was the reason why I despised the fact that I had feelings for him. I could talk to him, he didn't question my words or how I talked to people. I enjoyed talking to him. 

"I'm meeting up with some friends later, wanna come?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"I told Max I'd hang with him"

"His friends are douchebags though" I just nodded and he got up to go home or something. I didn't move until Beck started talking to me.

"You like him" He smirked and I surprisingly didn't gag. Maybe I did but that wouldn't matter.

"Does it matter though? He'll leave and I'll live on" I said looking up at Beck.

"You're happier with him"

"Am I?" He shrugged and got back to the work he was supposed to do anyway. I wasn't particularly happier with him, I guess I just liked the fact that there was something going on.

I would miss him when he left.

Havana; Harvey MillsWhere stories live. Discover now