Underground McDonald's.

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As you turned your head to cuddle up with your husband. Before you turned your head you noticed a awful stench of fast food and B.O, you turned your head and screamed in terror.....it was....JOEY. You screamed at the top of your lungs hoping Reviewbrah would here you. Right as Joey shut the door Reviewbrah started running as fast as he could to save me yelling "SOMEONE HELP IT'S THE CRAZY FAT WHALE, HE KIDNAPED MY PREGNANT WIFE!" But for some reason know one was out of there room, but also it was twelve o'clock at night.

Once again you were thrown into the car with a horrible stench.You were seriously getting tired of this guy. Joey 'whooo whooo'-ed in the front seat as he drove off with you.

Reviewbrah made a beeline for his car and hopped in, he slid some epic shades down over his gorgeous sea blue orbs. He knew what he had to do, causally flicking a lighter on and off in one of his hands, he pressed the gas pedal and drove off to harm Joey more than anyone ever could.

Meanwhile, Joey threw you like a rag doll into an underground bunker that reeked of the American delicacy, Big Macs. Joey strode in after, as best he could with his meaty thighs. He stroked your face with his begrimed hand, "my pretty muchacho," he breathed in your ear, his smelly breath making you shiver, "you're mine now."

Joey went over to the television and flicked it on, plopping down onto of you and smothering you with his enormous butt. He was sailing through channels when he came across the news channel. The news splayed across the screen gave Joey cardiac arrest, a seizure, and a stroke all at the same time. The news claimed that apparently, a very cool man had burned down every fast food restaurant in 'Murica. Joey fell to the floor, thick hands clenching at the area where his heart was. You figured he was just dying front heart disease, you simply ate your restraints, since they were made of churros. Then you made your way out of the underground bunker to reunite with your husband.

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