Pearl - Aoi x Reita (NC-17) PART 2/4

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Changed to NC-17 for... obvious reasons ;3 Yes there is a sex scene in this. It's brief but still there! How can I not?

So underage readers please BE WARNED.


The first three days were torture. Sheer torture.

Reita had dragged him below deck to a room blocked off from everything else, lockable from the outside only. A random guy would come in with a plate of food that, according to him, was not fit for a prince but he had to deal. They actually caught him fish... That's what his servants would usually do but of course usually it was cooked in a certain way... Still. It kept his belly somewhat filled.

The sky beyond was as beautiful as it always was, perfect and blue with just the smallest bit of cotton weaving through it's canvas.

But the worst part about all of it was the fact that there was no water beyond the small cup he had beside his bed. Reita was forcing him to stay human, and was confining him to a single but... Surprisingly soft bed filled with something weird, like what his favorite seagulls would give to him when he came up to look at the ocean from a new point of view.

That had been mistake number one... Had his curiosity not urged him to find danger this would not have happened.

Being a human still felt so weird. His tail was like a second home to him. His scales would catch the light as the sun filtered into his coral made castle and it felt so normal to let the water carry him through its currents.

Now... As a human he could not handle the force that air had on him. His legs were wobbly and clumsy. Trying to leave the first time only meant that he was soon face first on the floor before too long. Reita even gave him clothes but he didn't even bother. What even were clothes??

Also, he could feel dirt collecting on his skin. Did all humans put up with this it did they bathe? He had no idea.

Plus his tiara had been taken from him... Poor mother. She would be so sad and heartbroken to learn what happened... It broke his heart even more.

It was so... Frustrating. He felt like a beached starfish or a poor dolphin caught in a tide pool at low tide. This place was maddening, how do humans do this so easily?

These four walls, made of wooden planks, made him feel extremely claustrophobic. It had already been an hour since the last time he ate anything, but he was used to eating as much as he wanted. A single plate with one piece of fried fish and a slice of bread was not nearly enough to satisfy him.

So he could only do a few things right now. Hope that any of his officers could find him and free him, or hope to find an opening for a chance to escape. For now... All he could do was smell the ocean from beyond the metal bars separating him from the outside, and roll around in the soft sheets to feel them sliding on his legs. A novelty sensation he was sure to enjoy in the moment.

In fact, he was in the middle of enjoying the feeling on his legs when a knock came at the door. His whole body froze. No one usually knocked... Usually they just came inside without asking. So what gives?

He didn't dare say a word. But soon he heard a voice speak to him, an all too familiar one that made his skin crawl and heat go up his spine.

"Aoi. Are you awake? I wish to speak with you."

It was Reita... Had he come to his senses yet? Still, he held his tongue and didn't respond, instead choosing to roll over on his side to not look at the door. The window provided him his only source of comfort for the moment.

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