An Internal War

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Fake smiles and fake laughs
But what people don't see.
Is a girl crying on the inside
Crying herself to sleep each night.
Her life might seem perfect
But what happens behind closed doors.
Is a mystery that is Unsolved. She has this spark happiness which is a boy. She worries every day not to screw anything up. She is scared she might lose him and might never ever be happy again. She isn't perfect her demons often tell her that. Trying to actually smile hurts her because she knows. That no matter how hard you try to be happy and dealing with depression. It's hard to stay sane, especially worrying about School, relationships, family, the world. She wants to make her mother and father happy. She wants to keep her family from splitting apart. But it's constant drama that she is thrown in the middle of. It feels like she is drowning and will never come up for air.

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