Chapter 6

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          *Toris POV*

Matt took me through downtown Chicago and we had been making our way in and out of the small shops that line the busy, traffic infested roads, buying little things here and there. Finally, Matt lead me into a place called ‘CobbleStone’, we went inside and the sweet smell of fresh-made waffle cones met my nose. I delightfully groaned at the smell. Matt lead me up to the counter and ordered himself ice cream and then turned to me,

“What do you want, babe?”

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as him and I both gasp at his new term of endearment and his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he turned his head away from my stare.

After I regained my composure I spoke up to the man waiting to take my order, “I’ll um...I’ll take a medium strawberry shake with whipped cream and a cherry, please.”

After Matt and I argue about who’s paying for a few seconds, he finally slips his credit card to the man waiting patiently for our payment and I smile and thank him. We then go over to a corner booth secluded from everyone else and I sit down first, thinking Matt will sit across from me, but he surprises me as he sits right next to me.

We make small talk, eating our ice cream and I laugh and smile constantly it seems like. “I feel like I really overreacted with Abbi, and I feel kind of bad. I miss her already, we never go this long without being together and this was supposed to be a fun weekend here with you guys and now I feel like a total bitch ditching all of them today…” I confessed.

Matt sighs and looks at me as he rests his hand on my knee, just this small contact driving me crazy it seems, “Well, I do agree with on the fact that you that you and Abbi need to get over this small little fight, you two are best friends. Buuuut, I am actually really glad that we got to spend this time alone together this afternoon. I am always my happiest when I’m around you and this has been the best way i could’ve spent my day, even if we didn’t do anything special...but just because I’ve spent it with you.”

In this moment, I really don’t know what to do so I do the first thing that comes to my head and I reach up and rest my hand on the side of his face and pull him closer to me and kiss him.

When our lips touch, I swear I feel the fireworks erupt between us as he kisses me back. I never thought a kiss could be this powerful, it actually took my breath away. “I….I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have...but...I really like you Matt.”

All of my feelings just start coming out, and I can’t stop where this conversation is going..

“I feel like when I’m with you I don’t have to be someone else. We have been best friends since we were practically in the womb, but maybe I’m just being craz-”

I was cut off in my pathetic rambling by Matt’s hands on both sides of my face, “Tori, you’re not crazy I like you alot too. I just haven’t said anything because I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way and I was nervous it would ruin our friendship.”  

As we begin to get near the hotel from where we parked the car, we noticed there was a mob of girls with signs blocking our entry to the hotel. Matt looked at me questioning whether we should face them or not. "Well, we have to get in there so waiting around isn't going to make the situation any better," I confessed.

We start to make our way through the crowd, and I start to get disconnected from Matt girls pulling me backwards,

"Matt, wait!" I tell hoping he will hear me.

He quickly turns around and takes my hand to pull me in front of him and continues to hold my hand as we navigate through the crowd. I take a breath of fresh air once we enter the empty lobby of the hotel and we head over to the elevators. "Well, I'm going to go change back in my room then I'll meet you soon for the group dinner?" I say to Matt as we begin to step off the elevator on the floor where our rooms are.

"Okay, sounds good. See you soon!" He says as he squeezes my hand and smiles.

I make my way down the hall and use my room key to open the door. Abbi is sitting at the table applying her makeup and I walk over to her and sit down on the bed behind the vanity desk she is sitting at.

"Hey, can we talk?" I quietly ask.

"Of course, but first listen I'm sorry for freaking out earlier. I're my best friend and I don't want to see you get hurt. Can we just forget about this?" Abbi looks at me and questions.

"Yes, of course. I couldn't stay mad at you for much longer anyways, because I have something to tell you!" She jumps up and down in place on the bed.


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