Here for you Ch 1

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You were a senior cadet in the scouting legion, part of Mike's squad.

You had talent with the 3d maneuver gear, and were pretty good in combat.

You also were pretty good at reading people. You had a talent for knowing when someone was not feeling ok (which was very common in the world you lived), or when someone was lying. This "talent" had made you and Mike become very good friends. Along with his habit of "sniffing", the two of you together were capable of make people very uncomfortable.

Lately you have noticed that commander Erwin was not ok. Of course it was normal for a person in his position to feel the weight of every failed mission on his shoulders.
But normally he wouldn't show it. He always acted professional and calm. Even Mike had told you that he considered Erwin very difficult to read, when you had talked to him about it.
He also told you to leave Erwin alone. But you couldn't do that. You didn't want to. Most likely because you had a big crush on him. Maybe more than that.

Sitting in the mess hall you glanced up as he entered the room and you face broke into a worried look.

"what is it (Name)?" asked Petra, sitting next to you.


"you look worried, " she said

"I think something is wrong with commander Erwin"

"What do you mean? He seems to be fine" She frowned

"I don't know, but I think he is not ok" now you were staring at him

"Oh please, no, no this again" She sighed

This time you frowned, looking at her.

"What do you mean?"

"You are always assuming things about people, and most of the time you are right. But people mostly don't want someone asking them was its on their minds all the time. I mean, of course is nice to have someone looking after you. But sometimes you just want to be left alone with your thought and ask for help if you need it..." She sounded like Mike. "Remember last time? You tried to make Capitan Levi talk to you about his problems.."

You shook your head.

"Don't make me remember it; I still smell like horse-shit form all the stable duties"

You both laughed

"Just leave the Commander alone ok?"

"Yeah, ok fine" You answered But you knew you were lying


Later that night, everybody was already sleeping, but not you. You couldn't sleep.

Sighing, you pull yourself into a sitting position and stare at the door. You got out of bed and quickly made your way out the door. Wearing only your winter pajamas and a cozy wool sweater you had at the foot of your bed. It was winter after all.

Once in the hallway you just started walking through the corridors. It was dark, you could only see thanks to the full moon light that was coming through the windows.

"Who is there? " A deep voice spoke from behind "Cadet what are you doing out of bed at this time of night?" he asked angrily, shocking you deeply.

Oh fuck

Turning back you saw Commander Erwin, still in his full uniform, handsome as always, looking at you.

"Good evening, Commander" You said, feeling nervous. You knew that you shouldn't be there, it was not allowed to be in the corridors after curfew.

"I couldn't sleep, Sir" You whispered quietly

His gaze softened as you spoke.

"(Name), I didn't know it was you. Is everything all right?"

"Yes Sir, I just have insomnia or something like that, did I woke you?" you asked, regretting doing it right away knowing that probably that wasn't the case seeing that he was still in uniform.

"No, I was still doing same paperwork, I could hear you walking pass by my door. Where were you going?"He asked, tilting his head

"To be honest, I don't know Sir."

"I'm not giving you any punishment for being out here, but I can't let you keep wandering around at this hour" he sighed.

"I understand Sir" You look down to the floor

"But as it seems that neither of us is going to sleep soon, Would you like to come to my office for a cup of tea?" he asked

You looked at him in a bit of a shock

"Sure, I would love that" you gave him a shy smile and he smiled back.

"follow me then"

You walked behind him down the hall.

He let you go into the room first and closed the door behind him.
He walked around you to stand by the window behind his desk.

"Please, sit."

You sat down comfortably on a big brown sofa that was near the office's door, pulling your knees to your chest.

He had a tray with a teapot and two tea cups on the side of his desk. You watched him while he served the tea in the cups and walked towards you.

"Here you go" He handed you one of the cups while sitting next to you on the sofa.

"Thank you" You said while grabbing the cup.

"So, do you want to talk about what is bothering you?" he asked

"I could ask you just the same thing" You glanced at him

"What do you mean,(Name)?" He turned to you curiously

"I don't mean to Intrude Sir, but lately you look like you are not ok" You muttered.

He looked at you, surprised

"Oh, I have forgotten about this "talent" of yours. I remember Levi talking about it. Well more like ranting about it" He smiled. "I'm ok (Name), Just a little more tired than usual, I guess" He sighed

"Like I said before, I don't mean to intrude, but you look..."You paused. "Well, sad, sir".

"I do, Huh?" He said running a hand through his hair

"To me at least you do" You said in a soft tone.

"Well, maybe I am" he whispered looking away form you.
"Can we talk about that another time?" He faced you again "And please, call me Erwin" he smiled

That took you off guard.

"Of course Erwin, whenever you need to, I'll be here"

Here for you - Erwin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now