Are You Happy Now? (Megan & Liz + Cimorelli Fanfic)

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Megan's POV

"Oh, look who it is!" They laughed. Here come another day in hell.

"Stop," I mutter to myself. "Please."

"Oh? What did you say? Girls, what did she say?" I don't know how that was funny, but the six girls laughed while I walked with my twin sister in sorrow.

"Let's go." Liz dragged my arm and brought me all the way across the room. "I hate them soooooooo much!" Liz said dragging out the "so"

"Me too." I didn't know what else to say, so I changed the subject, "Shall we head to class?" Liz nodded and we made our way to English.


We were Juniors in high school in California, we moved here because we wanted to chase our dreams, to become singers, we write songs and I even play the guitar.

But I guess no everybody has dreams, they crush them.

There's a thing you see, call bullying and it's been here since me and Liz's sophomore year. These girls, the "Cimorelli" girls. They consist of the 6 sister siblings. Christina and Katherine were fraternal twins who are Seniors. Lisa is a Junior. Amy is a sophomore and the last two, Lauren and Dani are also fraternal twins in Freshmen. And then there's me, Megan, and Liz, who are fraternal twins in the depths of high school Junior hell.

Liz's POV

I was so looking forward to high school.

Why did I ever wanted so badly, go to high school? It's complete and utterly hell.

I sigh, "Megan, what are we doing for our next cover?" We had a YouTube channel and there, we post covers of us singing. Not a lot of people know us, but we especially don't want the kids from our school to know, we'll be the laughing stock for the white entire school.

"Um...What about an original? I'm itching to perform Maybe, Possibly." We were just starting out with our channel, so far we have 47, 567 subscribers.

"Ok, we'll do that one." I agreed easily.
Megan grabbed her guitar and strummed lightly.

"We broke up, and now I'm just waiting for you
To wake up, and realize that this is all you
And what you're putting me through
Believe me when I say, you're gonna regret it
You'll see." We sing.


"Ughhhhhhhh. School," I say with disgust.

"I know, I know, but let's just get through it and then it'll be the weekend." Megan says, it was a Friday and I couldn't wait for the weekend. A Cimorelli free weekend.

"What? Did you see that Lauren? Megan plays her little guitar and then Liz sings with her terrible voice." Christina said with her arm on Lauren's shoulder, who's grinning and smirking at us at the same time.

"Ugh, and I thought airplane food was bad," Lauren sneered, "I stand corrected."

Who knew such young people could be so cruel and mean? Does their parents even know about this? I see them running around school teasing people and I just know it, we're their next prey. Or victim.

A/N: this is a new story! It is neither a Katherine or Christina story like I it have going on with my other story, this just is just out it pure fun. @Laurenlovesmacers suggested the idea and I loved it so here I am! Stay gorgeous!
And also, I had to change some of their ages just so it fits the high school thing. 

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