Episode 5

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                     Gina Perspective

Ben:(hands over schedule)
Me:Oh! U have this period with me! ❤️
Ben: That's great!

                 3:55 (Walking to bus)

Josh: Gina! GINA! WAIT UP!
Gina:(Turns around) Yes?
(Both walks on bus and sits) (Cariliz left early)
Gina Do you know what's wrong with Cariliz?? (Says nervously) Well duh... Totally not hehe 😳 Gina I can tell your lying... 😑 your a terrible lier. Both:Haha! okay here's the truth but u didn't hear this from me  and don't interrupt me so she likes you.. WA..! I said don't interrupt me... 😑 anyways she likes you and she was gonna tell you yesterday but she saw Emma kissing you so she backed out. Wait what! So she likes me 😧? Yeah! She liked you ever since she met you! I liked her ever since I met her! 😱 OH MY GOD NO WAY! Wait but then why are u dating Emma? Cus I thought she didn't like me so I tired to move on with Emma. Are u kidding me... see I understand the whole move on thing but EMMA ! R U CRAZY ! SHE IS SOO UGHHHH!! I know I know but she's not that bad. NOT THAT BAD PSHH PLZ SHES WORST THAN THE DEVIL...  okay okay anyways moving on, What should I do! Do you still like Cariliz? I mean yeah! I never stopped she's so cute! And funny! Okay so then break up with Emma and ask her out. Well no duh Sherlock like how do I break up with that crazy (Beep)? Just say that you don't like her anymore and yeah! Okay okay thxs. Hey well my stop is here so Ima go! Alright thxs for everything Gina! Bye! Bye josh!

                    Josh Perspective

(Talking to himself) I can't believe she likes me she should has told me! OH WAIT OH NO SHERLOCK SHE TRIED ! Okay let me just break up with her now.

                        Emma 🙄

Josh:Hi can we talk
                             Emma: whose this?

Josh: Uhh josh? 🤦🏼‍♂️

                             Emma:Which one?

Josh:Your bf one

                              Emma:oh okay what..

Josh:We need to 💔
                                Emma: Wat! U don't
                                Break up with me !
                                I break up with u! So
                                We are over!
Josh: okay bye


              Josh: YESSS IM FREEEEEE

                          Gina 😃

Josh: I did i broke up
With her

                                       Gina: That's good

Josh: Sooo I ask her

                                     Gina: OC NOT 🤦🏻‍♀️

Josh:Okay so tomorrow?
In the bus?

                                    Gina: sure! bring  
                                     Chocolate btw

Josh:Y she hates chocolate 🤔

                                    Gina:Uhh hello for
                                     Me duhhh 😂😂
Josh: Ahh oc it's you
I should have known
                                     Gina:Yeah! U
                                     Should be 
                                     Ashamed.. 😂
Josh:😂 alright thxs

                                      Gina:Np dude

                    To be continued

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