22. Home

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I watched the tree getting closer - or rather, us getting closer to the tree. It was approaching too quickly, and Jackson wasn't able to steer the car around it. Then came the impact and I jerked awake, gasping for breath.

Just a dream, I thought to myself, feeling the sheets beneath me. Thank god.

But then I became aware of the pain in my chest a the constant beeping coming from somewhere in the room. I wasn't at home.

Sitting up - slowly, because I was seriously hurting probably because of a broken rib or two - I finally looked around the room.

I was definitely in a hospital room, hooked up to a heart monitor that sat to my left. At the foot of the bed, Kyle and Josh were both sitting in chairs, looking at me with soft smiles on their faces. Josh's face was streaked with dried tears.

"Where's Jay?" I asked. 

Was he okay? Why wouldn't they be with him? What happened to him? I started panicking. Something bad happened. No. He had to be around here somewhere. I needed to find him. 

Sliding my feet over the side of the bed, I gasped out in pain. Josh was standing in front of me in an instant, preventing me from getting up.

"Leo," he said, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Stay."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But just tell me where Jackson is. Is he okay?"

He didn't have to say anything. In the next second, the door to the adjacent bathroom opened and out walked Jay, looking perfectly fine, except for a small bandage on the side of his head.

I let out a sigh of relief, which sent a slight pain through my chest. "You're okay."

He smiled. "Of course I'm okay. You're the one we were worried about."


It was a miracle they were both alive. The fact that they were barely injured - aside from Leo's broken ribs and Jackson's slight concussion - was even more of a miracle.

I stepped back, letting the two of them check each other over. I watched as Jackson gently caressed Leo's cheek, where a small bruise had formed. It was during this small interaction that I saw it: yes, they loved each other, but that didn't mean they didn't also love me and Kyle. My thoughts from earlier just felt extremely petty. I needed to apologize to them, so much.

I had already told Jackson that I was wrong, but that was before all this happened. I needed a way to make it up to both of them, but definitely not here, not while they were hurt. Instead, I let them have this moment to themselves, heading for the door and motioning Kyle to follow me.

Out in the hallway, I leaned up against the wall, suddenly feeling extremely exhausted. We've only been here for about an hour, but it still felt like a really long day.

"Are you okay, Josh?" Kyle asked softly, making me slowly turn my head to look up at him. He was looking at me with such concern in his eyes, and I almost forgot that he wasn't his normal self again for a moment.

I nodded. "Yeah, just tired." I paused for a second. "You know, you don't have to stay here with us if you want to go back to your dad's. I can drop you off. It might still be a bit before the doctor releases them."

"Josh," he sighed, a small smile on his face. "I'm not leaving you. I'll never leave you. I'll even come home tonight, if that's alright?"

I smiled. "I love you, Kyle. I know you don't remember much, but I remember you. I can't ever forget you. I'm glad you're willing to try with us. I promise, it'll be worth it in the end."

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