Mituna CaptorXReader: Proposal?

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  --> Reader: Be pressured into Skateboarding.

"C0M3 0N (FIRST NAME)! 1'LL 3V3N 734CH Y0U!" Frowning, a girl with long (if you don't have long hair just go with it) (hair colour) hair was currently getting persuaded to skateboard with her boyfriend of three years, Mituna Captor.
"I don't know 'Tuna... You remember what happened last time I tried to skateboard?" Wincing slightly at the quick memory of the girl hitting the ground and hurting her head played through (First Name)'s mind.
"PL3453?!" Mituna pouted, and (First Name) sighed, unable to resist the cute pout.
"Fine, but you have to teach me." As soon as Mituna heard this, (First Name) saw him grin and jump in the air, only to land wrong and fall on his face.
Wincing, the girl instantly kneeled down in front of him, and gently pulled him up to see his black hair pushed out of the way of his eyes, so the girl could see yellow tears in his eyes and blood just below his nose which was dripping onto the floor.
"'Tuna, you should be more careful. Here, I'll be back." Placing a kiss on both of the yellow blooded troll's cheeks, the girl got up before walking into the kitchen.
Grabbing a blue tea-towel, the human walked over to the sink before turning on the cold tap. Staying there for a moment to let the water soak through the cloth, the girl heard shuffling and then another thump. Jumping slightly, the girl quickly turned off the tap, got some of the water out of the cloth and hurried back into the living room to see yellow blood and tears mixed on the floor.
Her Matesprite was spazzing on the floor, holding his head, his nose still bleeding.

--> Reader: Calm down Matesprite.

"Woah, 'Tuna sweetie calm down." Kneeling down next to him, the human placed the tea-towel down on the floor before gently putting an arm to her matesprite's shoulder.
Seeing that didn't help, and Mituna kept spazzing, the girl frowned before moving her other hand to his face (which took like a minute to do, seeing as Mituna was moving around so much).
"Oh-o-o-o, Oh-o-o-o, Oh-o-o-oa, Oh-o-o-o,
Sweet little bumble bee I know what you want from me,
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la Dup-i-dup-i-do la la,
Sweet little bumble bee more than just a fantasy,
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da, Dup-i-dup-i-do la da." The girl sang out as sweet as she could manage, because she knew when she did this he calmed down. "My heart skips a beat, when you walk in the room, I go boom boom boom, you go zoom zoom zoom, you're my playboy playtoy,
Loveable friend, I want to be with you until the end."
Slowly the troll on the floor calmed down, and he opened his eyes to look at (First Name) before grinning at her.
"7H4NK5 (FIRST NAME)." The troll picked himself up, rather clumsily which smeared the yellow blood from his nose all over his face.
"Oh dear." (First Name) laughed before grabbing the tea-towel (which had formed a small puddle of water) and stood up. "You are really are clumsy aren't you Tuna?"
Gently taking his arm, (First Name) moved the tea-towel over Mituna's nose and held it there.
"There! That should stop bleeding soon." (First Name) smiled, making the troll in front of her grin even more.

--> Mituna: Zone Out.

While Mituna was watching (First Name) as she made sure she was holding the blue tea-towel to his nose which was still bleeding. The yellow blooded troll zoned out slowly, comforted by the girl in front of him humming even if it was so soft he could almost not hear it at all.
'M17UN4 C0M3 0N! H0W 4R3 Y0U G01NG 70 PR0P053 70 (FIRST NAME)?!' The troll scolded himself in his mind, trying to think up a way to propose to his human Matesprite.
The problem was that marriage wasn't a big thing on Beforus or on Alternia, so Mituna wasn't sure how to ask her.
'M4YB3 1 5H0ULD JU57 45K H3R.' The troll thought, before remembering Dirk saying something about 'Marriage being a big thing for humans and should be done the right way'.
"Hey 'Tuna you okay...?" Hearing the human girl, Mituna jumped slightly before snapping out of his thoughts.
"50RRY (FIRST NAME)." Mituna grinned, and once she pulled the cloth away, he leaned down and kissed her cheek making her blush.
"Its okay 'Tuna." The girl grinned, before kissing his cheek back.
"H3Y (FIRST NAME)? C4N 1 45K Y0U S0M37H1NG?" Blinking slightly, the girl with (hair colour) hair tilted her head slightly.
"Oh course! You shouldn't have to ask."
Grinning, Mituna quickly hugged his Matesprite, pulling back before she could hug back. Rummaging through the pocket of the hoodie he was wearing (because he didn't feel like wearing his jumpsuit), he pulled out a black box.
"What's that 'Tuna...?" The girl asked, her (eye colour) eyes slowly going wide.
Grinning, he moved one hand to her cheek.

--> Mituna: Be Lucid.

"(FIRST NAME) W3 H4V3 B33N 70G37H3R F0R 7HR33 Y34R5 N0W." The troll started, shuffling his feet slightly. "3V3N 7H0UGH 17 15N'7 4 B1G D34L 1N 7R0LL CUL7UR3, 1 W4N7 70 M4RRY Y0U."
"50... (First name) (Last Name), W1LL Y0U M4RRY M3?"

--> Reader: Be stunned.

Feeling her knees buckle slightly under her, the girl with long (hair colour) hair clung slightly to Mituna, her eyes wide and with tears in her eyes.
"(First Name)...?" It had been almost a minute, and the girl noticed how worried Mituna was.
"Yes 'Tuna!" The girl squealed, her arms wrapped around him. "Of course I will!"
"R34LLY?!" Mituna squealed, and hugged the girl back.
"Hell yeah!"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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