Beach Day

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Emilio POV
Babe wake up "what why" Denis just said that were going on a beach day so put on a sexy bikini "but I want to snuggle" we can snuggle later ok "okay" we got dressed when she came out of the bathroom she looked amazing. Damn you look good "you too" oh crap I didn't mean to say tha- before  I could finish my sentience she put her lips on mine "Emilio" yes "can you apologize to Corl" ~sure~ ~thank you~ I run down stairs to eat breakfast I'm the only one downstairs I check all the guys room they were getting ready except Corl he wasn't in his room I go back our room and as I'm about to open the door I hear giggling on the other side. I open the door and see Corl whispering into Ariana's ear. What's goin on here ~Emilio I thought you were going to eat breakfast~ I was but I was the only one down there. ~well what do you need~ nothing "Emilio weren't you going to say something to Corl" oh yeah "what's going on" Corl im sorry about what had happen yesterday "I'm sorry to it's just Ariana is a nice person and I want her to have a nice person in her life" ~i will make sure she's happy~ "I'm sorry can one of you guys translate" "he said I will make sure she's happy" "thank you Emilio" your welcome Corl

*a hour later*

Corl POV
I see Ariana and Emilio sitting on the sand "hey corky what you looking at...oh you don't like him do you" no it's just I watching them because they flirt to much Denis "what do you mean" I mean yesterday um (whispers in Denis' ear) "wait really how do you know" I heard her um.. (whispers) "well what are you going to do about it their in love" I'm not sure dindin I'm not sure "hey guys whatcha you doing" um not watching Ariana and Emilio "Well their walking up to us right now" oh god "guys me and Emilio are going to get food want to come" I'll go "well corky if your going than I'm going " I think I'll stay here with Sub Sketch Ivan and Flesby " "OK sweet come on let's go"

Ariana POV
I look at the closest restaurant than this happened. Emilio what's that ~jake wants me and Ivan to come back to LA~ OK well what time ~tonight~ I don't want to say goodbye ~its OK we'll visit and I have your number so I'll text you~ "what's going on we can't tell what your saying" Emilio and Ivan are going back to LA "when" Corl ask tonight "well were going to miss you guy's" we all said I started to cry "don't cry" he kissed me on the cheek. B-bye we dropped them off at the airport and went on with our lives we can't worry about relationship's anyway we have to focus the reason I came here to do YouTube with sketch and that's what I'm going to do.

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