Chapter 23

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You lay in bed. Armin has finally left along with Kira. Your thoughts run wild with everything that could go wrong. The fear of being pregnant slowly sets in. Just because the first two came out fine doesn't mean this one will. You pull up your shirt a little and rub your bare stomach. A sigh escapes your lips. Even though the baby isn't born yet, you feel oddly attached to him or her. Armin looked so happy when you told him. What happens when the baby doesn't turn out to be his.

A gentle knock taps on the other side of the bedroom door. "Mommy?" Erik's voice speaks on the other side. "May I come in?"

The sound of his voice makes all your worries and fear vanish. You sit up on your bed and cover your stomach back up. "Of course, Sweetie."

The door slowly opens as he walks in. You pat an empty spot on your bed for him to sit. He smiles and hops up next to you. You wrap your arms around him. Images of him as a tiny little baby enters your mind. Believe it or not, he used to be such a handful. Your fingers comb through his hair.

"How would you feel about having another little brother or sister?" You ask, not really caring about the answer. If those pregnancy tests were correct, there isn't much more you can do. There is one option that you really want to avoid.

Erik turns around with the biggest smile you've ever seen on a young boy. "Can I help take of them like I did for Arlin?"

"Of course you can." You giggle while ruffling his hair. "Now go get your brother so I can get his opinion."

He nods and rushes out the door, yelling for his brother. You sit there in silence while watching the opened door. You never thought about having another child before. Two is enough. The last thing you want to do is fuck up another one. You rub your stomach and beg for it to be a mix-up. But you know it isn't. You are going to be a mother to another baby. Eren or Armin could be the father of this child. You feel so dirty. Not being able to tell who the father is, is such a terrible feeling.

Erik rushes back in with his brother behind him. The little blonde child has his arms crossed and his narrowed eyes give away his feelings about everything. You stretch out your arms, hoping to hold at least one of them. But, they both just look at you with confused eyes. That look coming from Erik makes your heart sink.

"Love him more than us!" Arlin makes sure his opinion is heard throughout the house. Tiny teardrops drip out of his eyes. Desperately trying to wipe them away, he hides his face against Erik's shirt. The sobs begin to build up every time Erik gives him a tiny pat.

"Sweetheart, I -"

"Mommy will always love us." Erik interrupts while slowly pushing Arlin off his shirt. The two young boys look at each other, one with care and the other with tears. "I thought the same way as you when you were born." The young brunet chuckles a bit. "But my favorite memory was when Mommy finally trusted me to hold you." Straightening his stance, Erik keeps his eyes on his little brother. "Mommy has a big enough heart for all of us." His tiny slightly dark hand ruffled Arlin's bright blonde hair, causing him to laugh a bit. "I hope your heart is big enough to fit one more person into your life."

Arlin soon stops laughing and rolls his hand into a fist and frowns. "My heart is too small."

"It will grow." Erik places his own slightly bigger fist over Arlin's. "The more people you love, the bigger it gets." 

Looking at the two, your heart feels so many emotions. Happy. Sad. Confused. Your babies are growing up. Helping themselves instead of asking for it from you. It hurts but it also feels proud. Is this how you are supposed to feel? Suddenly, Kira lets out a tiny whine and crawls into your lap. The warmth of the little black lab makes you feel a bit better. Your children are growing up too fast. Six and three are big numbers when it comes to a mother. You can still remember when you laid in your hospital bed, holding your babies for the first time. So soft and fragile, wrapped in tiny soft blue blankets along with there fluffy blue socks. Both born bald with a few strips of hair that fell of here and there. Now, they are walking on their own, thinking on their own. They are even growing their personality every second of every day. Scared, you begin to believe that maybe one day, they won't even need you. That is what hurts the most.

(Discontinued) Who's The Baby Daddy? (Eren x Pregnant!Reader x Armin)Where stories live. Discover now