Hope you like it Evelyn.
"Yes mom, I have all my furniture and stuff here. I just need to unpack". I smile as I walk into my new and unfurnished apartment.
"Alright. Be careful. Call me after you get dinner. I love you".
"Love you, too". I say and I hang up. I start carrying my bedroom stuff into my bedroom and begin to organize everything. In one box, I take out a small picture frame of my sister. Gosh, I miss her. I let out a small tear and continue. I then pull out my favorite sweatshirt. The one I got at the 4OU Dolan Twin tour. Man, was I about to faint into Ethan's arms...
One furnished and decorated bedroom later, I decide to take a small break. I was getting hungry and overwhelmed at the amount of stuff I still had packed. I walk out and venture into the big city. Along my voyage, I pass a pizza place.
"Might as well". I shrug and walk in.
"Hello beautiful, what would you like today?" The cute cashier asks me. I look at his chest and read the small letters J a v i e r on his silver name tag.
"Well, Javier. I would like a slice of pepperoni pizza and a slice of the veggie pizza".
"One veg and roni pizza for Beautiful... coming right up". He smiles. I sit down at the only empty table in this busy and small restaurant. I rest my legs on the empty chair next to mine and rest my head on the huge and clean window beside me. I was about to get my phone when I see them. THE FUCKING TWINS!!
"Hey, Javi. Two pineapple slices for me". Grayson Dolan says as he rests his muscular arms on the counter.
"One pineapple and roni slice for me". Ethan Dolan says as he looks around the room. He seems to be looking for a place to sit, when his eyes lock with mine, then to the two empty chairs in front of me. I immediately sit up.
"Hey, sorry. We don't have any other place to sit, is it okay if my brother and I can sit there?"\
"Yes, of-- of course". I stutter. I close my eyes in embarrasment as they both sit in front of me.
"You-- you're--- you guys are the Dolan Twins. Oh my gosh". I say.
"I'm a huge fan. I've been seeing you guys since you were on Vine. I'm trying really hard not to fangirl for the simple fact that it will freak you guys out". I say awkwardly.
Ethan let's out a small chuckle. He's so cute... especially in real life. "It's cool. I feel like I've seen you before".
"Well, I met you guys on tour a while back".
"Yeah... I think that's it. How have you been? Nice to see you again". He smiles.
"Well, I just moved here. I was unpacking today but I got hungry and bored".
"You sound like Ethan when we just got the warehouse". Grayson jokes. I heard a loud stomp then the next thing I knew, Grayson reached for his foot.
"What the--" Grayson manages to say until Javier brings us our pizza.
"P-apple slices for Gray, Roni and P-apple for Ethan, and Veg and Roni for beautiful". He says as he sets the plate in front of me.