He hates her, who wouldn't when you were forced to marry someone you don't like when you are in relationship with someone right?
Same goes to Kim Taehyung, he was forced to fulfill his grandfather's wish which is to marry his friend's daughter.
You were carrying the box before putting it at the edge of the house.
'hah! Done it!' You said while wiping your sweat on your forehead. You went out with a very wide smile. Suddenly your heart ached, you touched your chest as the beat suddenly moved faster.
'y/n!' Soo Young who was coming from nowhere hugged you.
'm-my...heart...' You said stuttered in pain.
'w-where's your pill?! ' So Young asked you hurriedly. She panicked.
'm-my bag... My bag...in my scooter.. 'you pointed your index finger into your yellow scooter. So Young ran and grabbed your bag. She searched for your medicine. After she found yours. She immediately ran towards you and gave it to you. You took one and swallowed it. You felt down after finally your heartbeat back to normal.
'y/n!! I told you to avoid doing something you can't! Don't force yourself!' So Young bursted out. She was worried sick when seeing you in those condition.
'Why... Why am I... Why I can't? ' you asked her sadly. You didn't expect to get this illness. Your life was working well until you reached ages 21. You was diagnosed aplastic anemia. Where you have to go for your doctor every 2 weeks. You know it in sudden. It happened in sudden. You hated it! It made you couldn't do what you like. You got a limit in any action. You always felt tired, dizzy, and sometimes, your heart would ached. You could treat it. You could be normal back. There was a treatment. But, It was too expensive to handle. You didn't have money. You sighed.
'I've to find a money... Or, Flower home(name of old folks home) would be disorganised. You won't that happen, you must doing something!
'y/n...' So Young was tearing up . She won't lost you.
'get a treatment please? ' She begged.
'how? How can I do that? I don't have money... I also can't do that even if I've money. Flower Home was in big trouble,.. There is home for many people. There's home for those who need a help... Who are homeless. They are all old...where are they going after that?' Your eyes was stinging with a tears. Soo Young hugged you tightly then cried on your shoulder. You replied her then grazed her back.
There was a man who was walking proudly through the entrance. He was wearing a black spectacles and a coat. He licked his bottom lips once in a while. He then took out his spectacles and looked at his surroundings to search for someone.
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'Hi, americano, looking for me?' Suddenly he was greeted by a grey haired man who was holding a phone in his hand
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'don't call me that shorty' The silver haired man pouted.
'Yaa! I just 1cm shorter than suga hyung! 'he protested. Taehyung laughed.
'still, smol baby' Taehyung teased Jimin again.
'ya!!! I though that you miss me!' Jimin pretended sulking with him. Taehyung wrapped Jimin's neck with his left arm.
'since when you being so sensitive huh?' Taehyung persuaded him while smiling widely. Jimin laughed.
'I just kidding back then. Now, lets go, they are all waiting for us.'
You entered the guestroom hesitantly.
"Err, Mr Ryu?' you slowly greeted the old man who was awed to see the pictures that hang on the Wall. It was your parents 's pictures.
'oh... You arrived finally. ' the old man smiled to you. His eyes sticked on your face it made you uncomfortable. You grazed your face.
'is there are something on my face?' you asked him politely. He laughed.
'no! No! It just... You look just the same like your mom, your face... You are reminding me about her' he said in a sighed. You looked at him curiously.
'you know my mom?!' you asked him in shock. He smiled a bit then nodded.
'she was my friend. Also your father... We were close to each other so much. Growing in same place..we three are orphan after all. 'he took a deep breath before continuing talking.
'after that we were working in same place and your parents get married. I was surprised when knowing that they loves each other. It was so funny when they both asked me the same question, How to seduce. They told me about their feelings and when I knew they both have a same feeling, I gathered they both and told them the true. After that, they married,'
'but, we were seperated after I got married to my wife. We still in contact, I got son in a young ages. I think I was 17 that times. Your mother didn't get a child although that time she was 40, my son grew and was already married. She was so disappointed with herself. After my son married, your parents suddenly disappeared and we lost contact. I searched them till this year. But, I got to know a shock news about their death. I was disappointed but then, I know they have a daughter. Min Young made it. It was totally shocked that she was still able to get a child in that ages. It was nearly impossible to pregnant at her ages. I immediately remembered about our promise when I got married to my wife...' you were looking at him with her curious look.
'what promise?'
'promise to marrying our child...' you shocked to hear that.
'y-your child?' you counted for his son ages. Gosh! He was an uncle now! Besides, he was married!
'no... He already married' he chuckled. you sighed in relief.
' I want you to marry my grandson ' you shocked again.
I laid onto my bed. It was a tiring day! Suddenly my conversation with Mr Ryu appeared back in my mind. I sat up.
'if you are Agreeing this, I'll being a supplier for Flower House. I'll bear all the Coast.. '
I shut my eyes. Would you accept it of you re on my shoes?
I stood up.
'i'll marry him!'I said with a very wide smile. I wanted him.I waited for this moment a long times ago. I love him from here to the moon and back. Yes, he was Kim Taehyung!!! His grandson! I was shocked to hear his name!
I threw my body on the bed then screamed joyfully. Of course I was happy, I'll marry my crush! I had dreamt about that! I'll tell Mr Ryu,that I agreed with his proposal when we met again. When he came to ask for my answer. Yes!yes!yes!yes!!!!!!!