Chapter: One

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"Hey, Potter!" Draco's voice shouted and Harry paused in the corridor. A quick scan of the surroundings made Harry aware that no one else was around to witness anything that Draco might do.

Harry slowly turned around, eyeing the alcoves in the corridor or places he could hide behind when Draco curses him with some dark curse that is father taught him. "Malfoy," Harry responded hesitantly eyeing Draco up and down.

"No friends around to stop me from hurting you? From killing you? From torturing you?" Draco was toying with his wand, walking closer with every step until Harry could reach out and touch him.

"Are you saying you're going to hurt me?" Harry asked unevenly, voice shaky from nerves and slight fear. But underneath it all there was excitement - but Harry was going to ignore that - and arousal - Harry was going to ignore that too - that mixed together in a pleasant way.

"If I did would you stop me?" Draco asked, a perfect eyebrow raised, a smirk on his lips that Harry definitely did not look at. "Would you...." Draco pressed the tip of his wand into Harry's throat, pushing in slightly. "Let me?"

Harry didn't know what happened, why it was happening or what he was supposed to do. "Do you...." Harry felt a blush crawl up his neck. "Want to hurt me?"

"No, Potter, I do not want to hurt you..." Draco tilted his head and leaned in closer, his eyes flicking down to Harry's lips. "But I do want to do something to you." Draco lifted his free hand to toy with a raven lock of Harry's hair.

"What do you want to do to me?" Harry asked softly, digging his nails into his palm to stop himself from leaning forward and closing the space between their lips because the Slytherin lips seemed to glisten, and Harry wanted to know if they tasted like the strawberries he knew Draco ate less than ten minutes ago in the Great Hall. "Torture me?"

"Not that either." Draco licked his bottom lip and Harry nearly lost all of his self-control.

"Kill me?" Harry asked breathlessly his eyes glancing up to meet the pale blue eyes that sparkled with silver.

"Not that either." Draco lowered his free hand to brush his knuckle against Harry's cheek in an almost-not-there touch.

"Then what?" Harry asked airily, gasping when he felt the tip of the wand pressed to his neck warm with power.

"I want to touch you, Potter, I want to touch all of you."

Harry whimpered at the words, his breath hitching in his throat at the gleam that shined in the eyes of the Ice Prince. A second of silence later and Harry lost his control. He moaned at the lingering taste of strawberries on Draco's lips.

The wand was dropped and two large cold hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. Harry whined at the touch, arching into the body against him like a cat in heat. When they pulled apart Harry was panting for breath, his lips swollen from the rough contact.

"From this display, I must conclude that you, Potter, are a virgin." Draco mused between his own heavy breathing. Harry just nodded quickly, hands roaming over Draco's chest in an attempt to map out the body of the most untouchable Slytherin in the castle. "An eager virgin at that."

Before Harry could even begin to formulate a response his mouth was full of tongue and wet heat. Harry practically melted, only being held up by Draco's arms and the sheer determination to never let the lips leave his own.

"As much as I love an eager virgin, Potter, I believe that doing this here in the corridor is just asking to be on the front page of the Prophet." Draco pulled back, his arms tight around Harry's waist.

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