Chapter X

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[Original story formerly published in paper by the Star Trek Italian Club, which graciously granted permission to publish it digitally

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[Original story formerly published in paper by the Star Trek Italian Club, which graciously granted permission to publish it digitally. Cover and drawings by Chiara Falchini.]

Chapter X

The sun was by now westering as the small group of adventurers arrived at a large cluster of houses by the river; a small fortified castle rose up on a solitary mound beyond the village.

"Here we are at Kwynagh", Bryan announced. They ventured among the stone-built houses; the general look of the village was clean and tidy, and its inhabitants were conformed to it. Some greeted Bryan heartedly, calling him by name, others just watched the passing group, intrigued.

"Hey, Bryan, are you going to the castle?", asked a beautiful woman, blonde and curvy, standing in the threshold of a house; at his confirming nod, she went on in a mischievous tone, "If you like, later I'll come and see you."

Bryan laughed:

"Not this time, Deirdre, thank you!"

Viviana felt annoyed by the underlying meanings of this short exchange, and it was useless her repeating to herself that she couldn't allow, in any way, a hologram, a creation of the computer, a simulation, to have such an effect on her. She sighed: oh, if only Bryan would be real...

A few minutes later, they were crossing the threshold of the castle's large wood and iron gate; in the sentry boxes on both sides, the halberd-armed guards didn't try to stop them, nor Bryan saluted them, respecting the universal custom by which the sentinels cannot speak nor move, except in case of danger.

They crossed the great courtyard, paved with large stone slabs; on one side there were the stables, on the other one the kitchens; a young damsel, surely still not sixteen years old, elegantly clothed and with a flaming red mane, ran toward them:

"Bryan Darksword, you're back!"

She hugged him impetuously and he reciprocated with plain fondness.

"Nice to see you again, little Fiona", he greeted her, "You're grown up, you're really a woman by now", she strutted about a bit at this compliment, "How's Alisander?"

"My brother's very well", Fiona answered, "And you? Will you stay for a long time? Please say yes!"

Her crush on Bryan was apparent as much as innocent. Viviana didn't feel disappointed like earlier with Deirdre, but she realised she would have liked to be familiar enough with him to be allowed to hug him the same way. Damn, she had to get such feelings out of her system! Let's hope Geordi can take us off quickly, she thought; but to be honest with herself, she was not at all sure she really wanted it.

Deanna felt more and more concerned. She perceived very clearly Viviana's reactions, and she didn't like to think at the consequences that could come out of a sentimental relationship with a hologram. There was the actual risk she would take shelter in fantasy, refusing reality, in order to stay with the object of her desire. Of course she was still very far away from this eventuality, but it was never too soon to prevent something psychologically harmful.

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