chapter 2 - school prom

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octavia's POV

yes finally. only 1 week till prom that means 1 week to find a prom date.

but who. I mean who would want to go to prom with me. but then if I don't get a date in time for prom I'll have to go to prom on my own. and that means that people might call me a larry. omg y do I get so worked up about all of this.

right I have to find myself a date before I embarrass myself in front of Connor!!

Ashleigh's POV

great prom! I bet octavia is getting all worked up about this! and now I'm gonna have to help her get a date! tell me why do we have prom again? what is the point of it, I mean if u wanna go dance to some good music go clubbing! but then again some times u fall in love!

Connors POV

"tell me brad, why do we have to go to a stupid prom next week"

brad looked at me like I was a complete idiot. "because connor, it will be my chance to make a move"

I was confused "a move for what"

"oh wow connor!! its the chance for me to ask her out on a date"

"oh aha have fun with that"

brads POV

connor is such an idiot its like he don't know anything about romance and shit like that these days. he used to be so romantic. but when i talk about octavia he freezes up and starts to blush like crazy its so funny to watch, but embarrassing for him. but why does he... oh now I know he must be in love!! oh that's just so sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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