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baekhyun woke up from his sleep and heard someone murmuring about something. and he know it's his father. baekhyun shuts his eyes, as he heard a footsteps coming. after that he heard the door opened and someone go to his bed. that moment his heart beating so fast. nothing that his father do, but maybe looking at him deeply. when he heard the door already closed, he opens his eyes slowly and go to his bathroom quietly. he finished his shower and wear his uniform. his uniform that aged for two years. luckily, he don't grow up that much so his body fit perfectly with the uniform. baekhyun walk straight to the kitchen but stopped at his father's door. baekhyun sighed before walking to kitchen and prepare a breakfast for him and his father.

time passed and now the time is 7:30 am. baekhyun has done his breakfast so he grab his school bag and open the main door and then closed it. baekhyun walk to his school slowly and quietly. the usual time he arrived at school is 8:30 am but he just decided to come earlier today.

when he stepped his foot to the door, the school is so quiet, maybe it's only have ten people at that time. but baekhyun make a decision to stay at his first class, English. he opened the door and his eyes get wide automatically and that's the most shookest thing in his life. his teacher, oh sehun is kissing a girl he has crush on, lee eunji.


finally i'm done with my first chapter 🤤 please ignore the grammar errors since English isn't my first language.

- m e i l o d

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