chapter one

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oh sehun pov

i opened the class door, and my eyes locked at the only student that always come earlier than me at school. she smiled at me and i just smile back and sit at the teacher's table. if you want to know, i'm the only teacher that love to come early to class.

i'm marking some paper when someone come closer to me. i turn to the people that coming closer by a second. and it's lee eunji.

and guess what, she kissed me. my eyes widened but just letting her lips at mine. her lips is so soft, and feel like cherry.

while we were kissing, the door opened and i automatically push her away and look at the student that looks at us with widened eyes. eunji walk to him and dragged him outside the class and closed the door. i sighed as realised what i just did.

baekhyun pov

eunji aka my crush dragged me outside the classroom, leaving mr oh alone at the classroom. he took me to the other class that don't have people, and dragged me inside with her. i look at her eyes and then at her lips. it's look more pink than mine...

" hey baekhyun " she began to talk, to me. " a-ah hello " i answered and bowing politely. " i dragged you here because i just want to tell you to not telling anyone about me and mr.oh. " she said, looking at baekhyun. " o-of course, i w-won't telling anyone a-about this " i stuttered, but eunji just nods and patted by back. " thank you " and with that she leave the classroom and leaving me alone. sighed, i walk to my classroom, that now filled with more people.

when the ring ringed, mr.oh closed the door and start the lesson. his eyes actually at eunji, and make me roll my eyes. " mr byun, is there a problem? " the teacher looking at me, but i just shook my head and he continue the lesson and here i am, listening to whatever he talk about, slowly falling in sleep.


lmao i need grammar lessons.

- m e i l o d

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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