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a/n: I didn’t mean to make Amber an awful character here, okay? I just thought of her because I ship KrisBer. Amber’s also my bias in f(x) and she’s the only girl I like in SM entertainment. LOL

Kris was wrong. He was so wrong. He shouldn’t have broken up with you. Ever since the time he broke up with you, there was never a day that he didn’t think of you. He missed you, badly. He missed your smile, your laugh, your care and your love.

Ever since that day, Kris saw the real Amber. She was demanding, possessive and time consuming. In other terms she was high maintenance. Amber was the opposite of you. You were contented on whatever Kris could give you and you would treasure it.

“what the hell are you doing?” Amber shouts at Kris

“what?” Kris asks, bored

“you’re not saying the words right” Amber crosses her arms “tell me, who is the bitch you’re thinking of right now”

“what the hell are you talking about?” Kris raises his voice

“you’re thinking about her again!” Amber also raises her voice.

Kris and Amber start fighting about the little things. Amber would always bring up your name just so that she could watch the pain cross in Kris’ eyes. Kris always stops arguing with Amber once she mentions your name. That was how much affected Kris was when it comes to you.


You would always curl up in your bed at night and cry. You heard the news that Amber and Kris were dating. You started feeling insecure. Lay or Suho would call you and ask how you were doing. You would always tell them that you were fine. You loved the boys, they were like your brothers.


One day, Chanyeol calls you saying that he needs help because Kai and Sehun were sick. He said that they needed someone to watch over the boys while they go to a radio show. You hesitantly agreed.

                You nervously walked into the boys’ dorm. You hesitantly knocked on the door hoping that it wasn’t Kris on the other side. Baekhyun opens the door

“noona, I’m so glad you’re already here” he says and hugs you

“are…” you whispered

“don’t worry, EXO-M is not here. They’re at SM practicing” he then let’s go of you

“okay. I’ll just cook some soup for the boys”

“could you save some for us?” Chanyeol says

“of course, I’ll also prepare dinner if you want” you smile and wave at them as they leave

You took care of Kai and Sehun. You would check on their temperature and wipe their sweat.

It was almost dinner time, you started preparing the boys’ dinner when you suddenly heard the door open.

“oh guys, you’re already –” you stop mid-sentence when you raised your head

Kris was the one who entered the room followed by the other EXO-M members

“noona!” Tao runs to you and wraps his arms around you

“hey, Tao. I’ve already cooked dinner for you guys. Kai and Sehun are sleeping so… I’ll be heading home now” you bow your head and turn to get your bag. You didn’t want to face Kris right now. You were still not emotionally stable. You didn’t want to breakdown in front of him.


Kris was surprised when he heard your voice. He thought he was imagining things. But you were really there. You were wearing Kyungsoo’s apron. It was like he could breathe once he felt your presence. He felt alive. He felt complete. But then, he saw the pain in your eyes. It tore his heart when you didn’t look at him. You didn’t even spare him a glance. It was like he didn’t exist in the room. You brushed past him as you walked out the door. He wanted so badly to stop you but he didn’t.

His side of the story (sequel to Existence)Where stories live. Discover now