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Dreams swim like clouds drifting by. They are all I own these days, a private show intended solely for my own entertainment.

Nobody loves me. Nobody cares. I am denounced, estranged, a humiliation of an affiliation.

I can't even see the stars where I live now.

The planetarium, my holy respite, was converted into a study center. It was the damn budget cuts that were to blame for it. That and the mean-faced education minister.

Juliet is still as beautiful as the day I met her in my head.

She belongs to me. And I can get her to repeat any memory over and over again.

"C'est l'exception qui confirme la règle."

What does that mean? I ask, as naively as the first time.

"It's exception that proves the rule."

God. I hadn't the heart to tell her she was mine.


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