This Ends With Us

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You haven't seen Jason, but he won't approach you with Berwald around.

Slotting a coin into the vending machine you pray that Jason wouldn't suddenly back out his promise and then leave. The smell of coffee filled your nose as the machine pours you a fresh hot cup.

As you stirred the coffee you sneaked in two pills you've hidden in the sleeves of your sweater. Berwald stood a few feet behind you, completely unaware of what you're about to do.

You called his name.


"You look tired. Have some coffee, my treat." You raised the paper cup towards him.

Berwald eyed the drink with a doubtful expression and for a second you feared that he might know the truth.

"Thank you" He pushed his glasses up his nose "but I don't drink coffee."

Who the hell doesn't drink coffee? You resisted clicking your tongue and tried again, joking and guilt-tripping him that you already paid for it.

He wouldn't budge. You didn't have a plan b.

You decided to get rid of the drugged coffee first, so you excused yourself to the first floor's ladies' room, already empty because there was only two minutes before the bell rings. You needed to evade Berwald before then lest Jason might start to think you abandoned him.

Dammit, you cursed inwardly, closing the door and walking to the marble sink. I should've known better than to rely on one plan. Dammit. As you poured the coffee in the drain, a ray of sunshine hit your eyes when you turned for the trash bin.


The uncovered window made up half the wall, kept shut with a rusting lock that could be easily snapped with a well-aimed kick.

You hurried to the door and squeaked shyly "Berwald?"

"Is everything all right?"

"Actually, no. My. . . Can you please get me a napkin from the dispenser in the second floor? The one in here is broken." You handed him a coin "And it came earlier than usual."

Not even blushing, Berwald took it. "I'll be right back."

You gave him a grateful nod and when he was far enough you locked the door and ran.

You bent your knees, grabbed the window, and then pushed. Aside from a few halts due to the window never being opened before you managed to get it high enough for you to crawl out.

Sorry, Berwald. You didn't look back as you climbed down from the first floor, you hopped off and you landed on the freshly trimmed grass with a not-so graceful thump.

"We're going to have to work on your agility, babe"

Jason stood over you wearing shades and a black hoodie, waiting for you with an outstretched hand. You took it with a smile and let him pull you up, "We don't have much time"

"Got it" He squeezed you "My bike is at the back gate"

"Wait" You rooted yourself in place.

"What is it?"

You hauled him towards you, "Do you love me Jason?" You stared past the black shades and straight into his blue-contact eyes.

He gasped softly against you, "More than my own life. . ."

"Then you'll do anything for me? Even murder in cold blood?" You tugged on his hair.

"Of course." There was no hesitation in his voice. You shuddered at his sincerity and straightforwardness.

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