Torn by blood~ Mikasa x Levi Fanfiction

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Hi, my friend asked me to write up a roleplay that she did with her partner, Levi. This is a Vampire AU and it is about a Vampire meeting a human, there will be innapproiate scenes, like sex scenes however I would suggest now that if you don't like that then I wouldn't suggest reading this fanfiction. 

But if you are okay with all this then, well read away!

Torn by blood- Chapter 1

The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom, and then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. In the centre of France, was a city called Poitiers, south from Buxerolles another city which was nearby. It was early evening and the orange sky illuminated against the stream of black smoke which was pumped out by nearby factories. Tall brick buildings stood high towards the cloudy, orange, sunset sky. The streets were gradually becoming quieter and quieter as the darkness of the night crawled in, on the prowl for its new victim to murder in the black abyss.  It was a risky time of the night to be walking around alone when nobody was around to free that one person who was struggling to save themselves from the fanged ones.

They said that 1880’s was that start of better things for Europe, that things were making a turn for the greater good  in the terms of discovery , science and electricity but there was far less good to that time than anyone would care to speak of as the years followed it. With this year came more murders than ever recorded before in such short periods it was almost impossible to turn your cheek on them, though thankfully enough the few popular murderers had covered the tracks of the other smaller ones happening around France, London, and Germany however they weren’t obvious murders as the others and careless investigators often overlooked such details and marked them deceased of plague, old age or whatever other disease was carrying in the area in the time. There were groups spread about Europe, clans really, they lived for decades at a time but no one really knew that given they moved around so often to evade such suspicion. They survived by drinking blood, many took to animal blood having it was easier to get a hold of and the victims never screamed which was always nice but nothing ever compared to the taste of a humans blood or even their own kinds, the scent alone would give you at least five more years of youth. It was a guilty pleasure to be honest but a deadly one to get involved with if not careful, sometimes you went insane if you become too accustomed to the taste humans carried, and if you couldn’t control yourself even after containment you would be killed. No one really knew who the first vampire was, mainly because everyone had gone their own ways after the first clan separated, made their own clans, even made their own pure bloods every now and then who were more or less royalty among the other vampires who were once human. It wasn’t as easy to turn a human as legends led to believe, there was much more planning to it.

 If the pureblood had found a human they could trust, showed mental strength, control, were willing to be food and willing to starve for almost days on end and who knew the rules they would change them by injecting a sort of venom into their bloodstream to more or less rewrite their genetic code and within an hour they’d be as lively as ever, a bit more dead in a sense of immortality but very well alive.

 It was popular among purebloods to change humans, in fact one clan in France was well known for being strictly pure bloods and half-bloods, they lived in luxury and rarely turned any humans in less they found it absolutely necessary but usually they just killed them for a feast or two afterward, amongst the clan was one vampire particular, one that was chosen for the part of clan leader. Levi Rivaille was a well-bred pure blood and unlike the others he was well read in humans and how they worked, he studied them for some time as a hobby of sorts much how others would fixate on flowers or animals he was interested in what made humans so disgusting yet captivating all at once. Levi was a professional in the field of cleaning up after himself and others if needed after a feeding or attack; he hated nothing more than messy work. He was feared by other clans in France or as he liked to call it, well respected, they did as he said and didn’t question it which came in handy when he realized France would be the next target for hunters to cover. He gave word to the bigger clans to flee until France was safe once more, he himself fled to one of the farther ends of Germany, deciding it would be a good place to rest until he mapped out somewhere safer to stay. He travelled for what seemed like weeks until he decided to rest at a tavern called G. Wirzinger. Figuring it would be best to have a drink before he continued on.

 Taking a seat in the far back he looked over the local paper that someone had left behind, thankfully enough he was well versed in almost every language though his accent did carry a bit through them. He looked through the main boring news, figuring the recent murders were probably the Germanic clans at work, they were more...sloppy in their work than Levi would ever let his clan dream of being ,  they didn’t mind people finding the bodies, which probably explained why everyone looked so paranoid here. He pushed the thoughts aside and continued to read on hoping for some sort of word of a safe zone from hunters before getting to the ads section of the paper, normally he would just ignore the section entirely but something drew him to it and he wasn’t one to question his instincts. He read on before stopping at one by an M. Ackerman, it was a help wanted ad for a bodyguard, they were probably trying to be safe and settle their paranoia to all the murder going about the area. As reluctant as he was he decided to follow his instinct and travel the short distance to the address, it didn’t take very long when he found out it was a mansion , with distinct Germanic engraving on the gate and stone, though it hardly compared to his castle back home.

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