Chapter two-- Blood between two

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Hi guys, I'm so sorry for not posting any more of the fan fiction. I will make it up to you guys, I had a few problems with my friend. So. I will dedicate these chapters towards here, even if we no longer talk. I will never forget the times that we did talk. 


Chapter two~


 She slowly looked at him, her ears listening to everything he had said. She noticed his slight smile across his lips, this did make her feel more at ease, but something wasn't quite right, however she couldn't understand what. "I will let you unpack, sorry I got distracted there." She said with a quiet chuckle as she gently put the photo back in place. She then turned and walked towards the door, she gently opened the door and turned back to look at him she nodded her head slightly to him, placing her hands in her lap. "Thank you, again."

He listened to her speak once more waving her off a bit "It's fine, there's no need to apologize,madam. You are the mistress of the house after all." He walked her out , giving a small bow back to her "The thanks is all mine." He watched her go before he closed his door and sighed a bit "Filthy..." He quickly let himself change into his old butler uniform, he only wore it to clean having he was past those days, it was amazingly easy to move in anyways. Once he was changed he let himself see to the cleaning supplies before he began to clean the house doing his best to be silent as he did so, not wanting to disturb the girl he now had to live with as her help and bodyguard.

The young woman was in her bedroom, she was looking out of her window again, she noticed the rain was much heavier than when she last looked. She sighed quietly before she moved around her room. She decided to make her way downstairs and as she does, she feels a cold presence. Her whole body freezes as she stood still, her tinted her widen suddenly seeing a shadowy figure standing in the corridor. "L-Levi.. Is that you?" The figure seemed slightly hunched over, and suddenly sprinted at her. "Levi!?" The young woman screamed, she was scared, terrified. Like she always had been ever since she was a child.

Levi had made his way to the second room after he cleaned a bit figuring he would see if mikasa wanted tea but when she heard her first words he was suddenly confused before he caught scent of something inhuman, something savage and he ran to where her voice came from. He ran down the stairs managing to grab the parasite by the throat and hold him to the wall before he could hurt the mistress of the house. "You're pretty gutsy for a sack of shit aren't you?" He questioned holding the snarling figure against the wall as they dug their nails into his skin scratching him in attempts to get him to release them. "Mikasa, Stay here if you see anyone else tell them they are forbidden from entering, it will keep them away, understood?" He questioned before he threw the figure he had in his hands down the rest of the stairs before retrieving him, grabbing him at the throat once more as he dragged him outside, closing the door behind him. "You have some nerve harming a pureblood." He saw the color of the others face drain as levi dug his nails into their throat "Let alone a member of the high court...Disgusting." He tired of the struggle the other gave and snapped his neck before ripping out his heart and popping it making sure he wouldn't come back. He could feel the others that were watching , smelling their fear and anger. "If you dare attack me or the mistress of this house again I will show no mercy as I did this parasite. I will kill you on spot, you've been warned." He walked back inside letting the monsters gathered outside eat away the corpse he left. He couldn't help but wince at the pain from the scratches he had, but if anything he was annoying from how soaking wet he was and the ruined shirt. He saw mikasa and rushed over to her side. "Mikasa are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he? You must be terrified....I'll make you some tea and draw a bath for you to calm down." He went on deciding that feigning worry would be the normal human thing to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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