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dAng bbs i fangirled hard. #jackielee is iconic
- haiz

If there was one thing Jessie Lee Martin hated more than the disassemblement of her favorite band, it was crowded streets. No matter how deep into the city of Philadelphia she crept, she still seemed to find herself among thousands and thousands of unwanted civilians. In her opinion, it was absolutely idiotic to have a place so large and full of life with none other to accompany it rather than Harrisburg. Maybe if there were three major cities in Pennsylvania, she would have less of a problem, but no such thing existed, so she supposed Philadelphia would have to do.

She knew good and well she was supposed to be searching for her curly-haired not-so boyfriend, but her short attention span had gotten the best of her and she had ventured off around the city. She knew the place like the back of her hand, seeing as she had grown up frequently visiting it, but her hatred for it seemed to grow more and more with each trip. Jessie Lee was nearly positive she was precisely two hours and fifty-six minutes away from the boy she was supposed to be accompanying, but for some odd reason, she felt the least bit guilty for her actions. After all, she had been cooped up in her home exactly thirty-two minutes away from the neighborhood she had been informed Jack lived in, and as if getting his attention over social media wasn't already hard enough, making him notice her in real life was two times harder.

Today, she decided to take a break, highly impatient and frustrated that it had already been a whole twenty-four hours and yet she hadn't managed to converse with Jack. So, this hot and steamy spring afternoon, Jessie Lee Martin stepped closer to the boy in front of her in the crowd, sighing as she glanced at her watch. 2:57. She had three minutes to get out of the sea of people before some local schools dismissed and flooded the streets even more heavily. Irritated, she tapped the boy in front of her on the shoulder. He spun around with a confuzed look in his caramel eyes, his brown and blond hair gelled up into a style she knew of as a pompadour. She knew that face, in all its beauty. The freckles dotting the nose and cheeks, the bud nosering clinging to his nostril, those soft, pink lips.

"Oh. Hi, Jessie Lee."

She froze, her jaw locking to prevent itself from falling and smacking the cement. She found herself at a loss for words, staring back at the now straight-haired boy she had always admired. The longer they blinked back at one another, the easier it was for Jessie Lee to regain her composure. A sudden urge to sass him overcame her, and she crossed her arms over her chest, popping her hip out proudly. "Not only did you ruin my life, but you also lost the perm? Get out of my face."

Jack laughed, his eyes crinkling in delight, but Jessie Lee found none of what she said amusing. "That's not funny," she huffed, stamping her foot like a small child. The boy's laugh subsided at her words, his eyebrows raising in shock. "Oh? I mean I could just leave, but it's two fifty-eight and you look like you need a ride." Frustrated that he was quite correct— seeing as Jessie Lee had come to the city with her mother, who was now completely lost in shopping —she swung her hair over her shoulder. "Do not." Jack narrowed his eyes at her words, daring her to push him further.

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Okay, fine." The boy raised his hands in surrender, stepping away from Jessie Lee, and she already found herself losing a chance. She pushed the thought away. "So," Jack said, "I'm gonna go now." The girl pushed her nose into the air, arms still pettily crossed over her torso. "You do that." He took another step away from her, and something inside of her broke.

"Wait, Jack!"

He spun to face her fully, a smirk of success decorating his lips. "Hm?"

Jessie Lee smiled innocently, "I hope you crash as hard as your band did."

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