The End

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I realized that my actions were rather creepy and saesang like so I decided not to do that but to find Junwook and give him his sweater back because you never know, he might need it.

I looked up ways to go to concerts and fanmeets but to no avail. I just didn't have that kind of money. Which brings me to the present.

Now a few months have pasted. Claiming the sweater as my own i took care of it well. I won't ever forget the small moment i got to be in the presence of my own idol. Junwook was a kind person to lend me his sweater but he has probably forgotten all about me by now with his busy schedule. But i will treasure small moments like those, always.


I had fun writing this 3 chapter story. Compared to the longer ones i have tried this one was fun. I might make more short stories.

Thanks for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it!

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