ch. 6

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Slowly opening my eyes, I realize that I'm not in my own room. I turn around and sure enough I see Luke. His tall frame is sprawled out on the bed, his left arm hanging off. He's letting out small snores and I'm almost tempted to wake him up but let him continue on with his nap.

I stretched and swing my legs over the side of the bed. The floor is cold, and even with socks on, I feel a chill throughout my being.

I make my way to the bathroom just outside of Luke's room. It's messy and downright disgusting. I had expected nothing less honestly; Luke's a teenage boy.

After I flush the bowl and wash my hands, I make my way back into the bedroom. Luke has changed positions and I walk over to him and shake him awake. It's too awkward being the only one up when you're in a house that isn't your own.

"Luke, c'mon get up. I'm bored." I whine.

Luke lets out a groan and rolls onto his other side, covering his head with the pillow. I sigh, kneeling on the bed besides his seemingly comatose body and start poking him in the stomach.

Luke groans even louder and unsuccessfully tries to push me away. I let out a laugh and move my hands up to him underarms where I start to tickle him without mercy. He starts laughing uncontrollably as he suddenly jolts awake.

Before I know it, I'm flipped over and Luke has a leg on either side of my body. Unable to move against Luke's large, muscular frame, I feel trapped. His hands find their way to my sides as he starts tickling me with a vengeance.

At this point I can't breathe because I'm laughing so much. Luke's laughing along as well and the shine in his eyes makes them all the more breathtaking.

"Luke... I... can't breathe!" I yell out in between laughs.

His hands stop and he climbs off of me, pulling me up into a sitting position and wrapping an arm around me.

"Maybe that'll teach you not to wake me up by tickling me." He smirks and I melt internally.

He stretches really quick and gets off the bed, walking over to the dresser where he had left his phone earlier. He stares at it and then puts it back down.

"It's one o'clock. You should call home and tell them you're staying for dinner." He simply says.

"Am I?"

"If you want to."

I nod and grab my own phone, calling my grandma to tell her I'll be at Luke's for a while. She says she doesn't mind and just for me to call her when I'm not my way home. After telling her I love her, I hang up and go to find Luke.

As I walk down the stairs, I notice that the door to what I assume to be the basement is open. I walk over to the open door and faintly hear the sound of Luke's guitar. I smile to myself as I walk down the carpeted steps to the beautifully finished basement.

There's guitars, a drum set and a piano set by the far right wall. In the middle of the room is an old looking, very worn leather couch. There's also a small kitchen, which again I assume, is stocked full of snacks for Luke and his band.

As Luke sits on a stool, he seems unaware of my presence. He's too in the zone right now, strumming his long fingers delicately on the strings of his guitar. He's singly lowly and I could barely make out the words but it sounds lovely.

I walk over to him quietly, hoping to scare him. It doesn't work. Luke looks up and notices me, a smile evident on his fair skinned face.

"Ah, thought you could scare me?"

"I was trying too but..."

"I'm not scared of anything, Vera."

"Eh, I'll get you one day." I winked and plopped myself down on the couch. Which was very comfortable. "So, this your man cave?"

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