Baby shower the next day , he texted saying he would be in jail when during the baby shower, I asked "why" he said "because I could pay my probation"I said " how aren't you able too pay it" and he said he just didn't have the money . I paid 100 dollars for his probation fee. Then once the baby shower came he said " he won't be able too make it because he need a hair cut" I said "so you can't scramble 10dollars for a hair cut" he said "no" I said and you can't buy the sandwhiches for the baby shower?" He said "no" I said " what the hell get ready and I'll take u and pay for it" he said " I got find something too wear" by the time I got that I
Was already knocking on the door . He came out I took him everywhere too get stuff done because we had an hour left until the baby shower. Once we got too the baby shower we had a good time even though he didn't want too be there . We took a bunch of pictures and acted like we was the happiest couple ever. After the baby shower we went out separate ways.To be continued.....
Bundle of love
Короткий рассказThis story is about a teenage girl, who is currently pregnant. She just found out her boyfriend had a girlfriend a year ago. Now she just wants too live a happy life with her new bundle of joy.