Times Change. (Pt, One.)

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alone:(adjective & adverb)

having no one else present; on one's own. "she was alone that evening." -synonyms: by oneself, on one's own, all alone, solo, lone, solitary, single, singly; unescorted, without an escort, unattended, unchaperoned, partnerless, companionless; solus; informal on one's tod, on one's lonesome, on one's jack, on one's Jack Jones; informal on one's pat, on one's Pat Malone. "she was alone in the house."


"Where do I go from here? I've never felt so strange, I've never felt so torn. Cause ever since you came my way, I learned to live by you and now I'm on my own."

Song - Another Now (From the H2O just add water soundtrack)

Artist - Kate Alexa


"Logic forces me to believe in this and now I've learned to see
I can only say what I've seen and heard and only you can choose
And every choice you make will affect you, search your own self."

Song - Breathe Today

Artist - Flyleaf


...Two Months Later...


I miss him. 

I miss him every single day, from the first day Henry brought me to this farm up till now. 

I lost track of how many days, weeks and months it's been. But Henry had a doctor come in yesterday to check me over, and well, I'm roughly twenty-eight weeks pregnant, I'm on the third and final trimester.

It means I've been missing for at least two months. 

Harry probably thinks I'm dead, he's probably given up on finding me and gone back to England.

I'm all alone, there's nobody who can save me, nobody, who can take me away from this horrible place.

I would try not to give in to these negative thoughts, but the only fight I have left in me is to keep my baby safe, no matter the circumstance, no matter what happens to me.

I can't cry anymore because all the tears have dried up, I can't scream because my voice is hoarse and my throat is sore. 

The first day Henry brought me to this farm I tried to escape, he caught me of course. I screamed for help but no one heard me, I tried to knock Henry unconscious but he overpowered me.

I kept imagining Harry, my knight in shining armour would smash through those barn doors and sweep me off my feet. But he never came. 

Hours went by so slowly at the beginning, possibly because I had thought Harry would save me. When one week passed, all the hopes of being rescued seemed to fizzle away but the hatred I feel towards the bastard known as Henry only grew.

I hate Henry with my mind, soul and entire body. 

I refuse to talk, I refuse to even look at his face. 

He brought me nothing but pain, he killed my father; his twin. Then, he hired Zayn to kidnap me, now he holds me against my will in this Barnhouse, knowing very well I'm heavily pregnant. 

Henry even removed my HIS TERRITORY tattoo by cutting it out, I was unconscious for that but now I have this horrible scar. 

I've gone skinny, my hair looks like a birds nest and I have dirt in places you don't wanna know.

I'm not the girl I was. 

The only thing that is important to me now is getting my son away from Henry, but that seems impossible. 

I sit on a stack of hay with my head in my hands as the barn door opened, I didn't even bother to look up even when I heard foot steps approaching me. 

"I brought you some food," The Devils' voice speaks but I ignore him. "Joe, look at me when I'm talking to you!" His hand slaps my right cheek making my head fling in the opposite direction.

I ignore the burning sensation from his hand. 

Without making eye contact with him, I bring my face up to his level and spit at it.

Henry scoffs wiping his forehead. "You silly girl, when are you going to get over this little tantrum. If you would just work with me, things would be so much better." 

I want to kick his balls, punch his face, push him.

But I don't.

"Don't tell me you still think lover boy is going to rescue you," He laughs. "My dearest Niece that man has left the country long ago, he's given up on you. You and he are history, you need-"

"L-lies," I finally say although it comes out hoarse. 

Henry deeply chuckles. "You think I would lie to you?" He pulls something off a food tray I didn't even know he brought. "Look at this," When I don't budge, Henry grabs the sides of my face and harshly turns it towards a newspaper.

All it takes is one headline for the tears I thought had long dried up, to fall freely down my cheeks. 

Harry Styles Returns to England after Search for missing Fiance is called off.

I swallow a lump in my throat, my heart breaking all over again.

"He's never coming back, gave up Joe."

My chew on my bottom lip feeling it tremble between my teeth, my eyes screw shut.

"He gave up on you, he never loved you,"

No, no! He can't be! He wouldn't give up on me! Harry would never give up.

"S-shut up!"

"He's gone-"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" My hand forms a fist, I swing it as hard as I can. "HE'S NOT GONE!"

But Henry catches my wrist, chuckling he says, "You got to try harder than-"

My knee connects to his balls causing Henry to buckle over, while he's focused on them, using my other arm I bring my elbow down and hit the back of his head.

Henry tumbles to the ground at my feet.

A gasp leaves my throat, it took me two months to actually have the courage to successfully land a hit on him. 

Pushing myself off the hay, I kick him in his stomach causing his body to jolt but then he stills.

He's unconscious. 

I look to my right to find the barn door wide open.

The bastard didn't bother to shut it, ha, fucking idiot. 

My feet quickly carry me to the open door, once outside I close it and twist the lock, locking Henry inside of the barn. 

All that matters to me now is trying to find help.

The only issue with that is Henry kept me in the middle of a forest miles from anyone, at twenty-eight weeks pregnant, how am I supposed to find my way out of here?

My eyes scan the thick trees until I spot a small pathway heading deep into the forest, I run towards the path with my hands on my stomach but just as I reach the edge of the treeline, a voice calls out from within the Barn.

"Bitch you better run, because when I get out, I'm going to fucking kill you!

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