* Chapter 13: Holy shittt *

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How do you like the new cover art?!? Thought a change would be nice <3 Tell me what you guys think of the story, I love hearing your input!!!
Enjoy :D

Clara's POV

Holy shit. What did I do? What just happen? I keep asking myself these questions as I pace back and forth in the living room. Everyone is still here. At least I think they're still there, I don't know to be honest. I can't seem to register anything that is going on around me. All I can think is Heavenly. Heavenly. My Heavenly. My Joy.

Suddenly hands are on my shoulder and I hear my daughter yelling me name. I look up at Lauren startled. "What? What do you want, Lauren? What could you possibly want right now?" I yell at her and go back to pacing the room, practically burning a hole in the floor. "I want to know why you just called Heavenly the name of my dead sister" she yells back at me. Lauren is just as stubborn as me, always has been, and she has never taken being yelled at and brushed off very kindly. At that moment though I don't realize that it's my daughter talking to me, I don't realize that all of our friends are watching us with wide eyes. Because truth be told, I don't care. All I care about is the 19 year old girl who ran up those stairs like I had the damn fucking plague. So, being my stubborn self, I told her exactly that.

"Because she is her. That girl who just ran up the stairs in your sister, my daughter! My first born! Who I never got to hold, who I never got to even glance at because I had you coming out right after! I never got to see her walk, talk, nothing! That girl is all I fucking care about in this entire damn world right now so don't you fucking dare yell at me when I'm trying to keep my shit together so I can go up there and have the most important conversation of my life! The conversation that I have been waiting to have since she was taken from my arms 19 years ago." I yell at her. All I hear after that is silence. I don't know if she said anything because my ears keep ringing. She will probably just yell back at me so I don't bother.

Not being able to stand any longer I abruptly drop to the floor and just burst into tears. Feeling arms wrap themselves around me I sink into them and sob, my entire body shaking, not caring who it is that is holding me. After what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes I stop crying. I just sit there, staring at a painting on the far wall. It's a very odd painting and I don't understand the meaning of it. It's of three sticks. The two outer sticks are laying down on the dirt, and the third stick (which is in the middle) is standing up straight, sticking out front the dirt. And all the sticks are in a drawn circle in the dirt. (Green Dinosaur Reference - like I literally cried when this happened)
I tilt my head looking at the painting. What does it mean? "It's her family. Or at least that's what she says every time I ask her, which is often." Someone says. I turn my head and see Sonia there, everyone seems to have left except for her and this mysterious person holding me. I ignore the fact that Sonia practically read my mind and I turn my head back and see Lauren. She's the one hold me. She has tears in her eyes and as one rolls down her cheek I lift my hand and swipe it away. I lean in slowly and kiss her forehead softly and whisper in her ear," I'm so sorry babygirl. I love you very much". I feel her nod against my head and pull me closer to her. I breathe out and look back to Sonia, silently asking her to continue.

"The circle represents family. The sticks inside the circle represent the members of said family. She didn't know if she had brother or sisters but she was knew her parents were out there. At the time when she created this painting she was 16 years old, her company was expanding all over the globe and her music was getting all kinds of attention. She didn't want a family, said she was better off and if they wanted to meet her then they should have kept her. She didn't know if her parents were dead yet, but she said they were dead to her. Thus the two outer sticks are down on the dirt, signifying death while she stands as a tall, and successful individual who doesn't need her family to be great...she later changed her views on her family but had kept the painting up as a reminder of the past" Sonia says calmly. She gives me a soft smile. "She will come around eventually, just give her time. Even if she isn't your Joy, she still cares for all of you." Then she walks away leaving me and my second daughter on the floor. I sigh and close my eyes as I start to feel extreme tired from all of the stress and crying.

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