Back Story Time

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Ellie-Muggle born, Gryffindor house, strong and fierce, favorite animal is an owl, love life is her secret. She has auburn hair that reaches half way down her back as well as light hazel eyes and freckles. She's fairly small for her age put that doesn't matter as she usually wears some sort of heel.

Tyler-Pure blood, slytherin house, cruel and down right spiteful not to mention he's a prankster but can that change, love life is his secret, favourite animal is an octapus. He has bleached blonde hair that's actually natural, you can't usually see his eyes because his hairs so long it covers them but there's a slight chance you might see them hazel beauties.

Georgia-half blood (muggle mum, wizard dad), hufflepuff house, kind and generous but don't get on her bad side else your dead meat, favourite animal is a cat, cousin to Ellie. Loves any guy who treats her like a queen. Georgia has dirty blonde hair that reaches past her butt but she usually wears it in a ponytail so it looks shorter. She's quite tall for her year and will not be caught dead in a dress because she's "lanky".

Danny- pure blood, ravenclaw house, mysterious and is very good with slight of hand tricks, favorite animal is a rat, best friend to Tyler. Will date any girl as long as she is hot and beautiful. Danny's small for a boy in his year but he counter acts that with his "special shoes" (disguised platforms basically). He has messy, short brown hair and chestnut eyes.

Ricky-pure blood, griffendore house, gay but is still in the closet, very skinny and is always worried about breaking the rules, holds many secrets, loves any bird that can fly freely, hates dogs. He's thin and tall with a scar on his left arm from a dog attack from when he was younger. He has black hair and blue eyes but you can't really see them as he rarely makes eye contact with anyone.

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