middle school ch.2

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Chapter 2 : what's next

( Okay 12:40 the bell rings and we rush to the cafe)

Gabe, Tasha , Mario , & Tenisha all walk together you know that, and they fantasize how they wish they were so popular or recognized.

Gabe: guys I have to tell you something

Mario: what??

Gabe: I like Lisa

Mario: Lisa-- Lisa m. Hoffard

Gabe: yeah she asked me to come to her party

Mario: cool she been told us that and... we were gonna talk about that at the table today.

Tasha & tenisha : soo we have to tell you something Gabe ( Tasha & tenisha)

Gabe: what ??

Tasha & tenisha : (they both scream)
Lisa m. Hoffard ask you to come to her party !!!!!!! (They scream)

Gabe: I know !!

Mario : I know too

Gabe & Mario : WE ALL KNOW !!

( then as the 2nd period start they go to there locker. And....)

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