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Third Person Veiw

•Next Day•

Y/N woke up and did her normal morning routine.

And she wore a white big sweater that will have her sweater paws because of it and a pair of black pants. With a pair of white adidas.

She let her hair fall for today.


She went to school and greeted the people who she knew.

"AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!" She shouted as she went in her room. Even if there are just a small amout of them in there.

"Y/N-ah!" JB called Y/N "theres a horror house at the other rooms... Lets join them!"

"B-but..." Y/N stuttered... Obviously she was scared.

"Awww... Come on Y/N... You are very no fun!" JB said. "Y/N-ah... I am accompanying you though"

"Why me thoo" She said. And JB dragged her to the horror house.

They went to the horror house and they were early so they didnt waited for long.

After they went in Y/N was freaking pale... She was scared like hell.

"Oh, Y/N-ah! are you ok?" JB asked sincerely to the girl.

"A-ah... Yeah Jaebum-ah" Y/N said. JB laughed at her and pinched her cheeks.


"Y/N! Im tired lets go home!" JB said and got his bag.

"Ok JB" Y/N stood up

As they walk towards their house it started raining.

"Damn... I didnt bring an umbrella" Y/N sighed.

JB took off his black jacket and put it on Y/N. "Y/N-ah, are you okay now?"

"Ah... Yeah JB" the girl stuttered. "You can stop hugging me now"

"Oh, okay" JB said and look down at his wet shoes.

They continued walking then JB stopped.

"JB, whats wrong?" Y/N asked and looked at him.

"I know this is a weird spot to ask, but..." JB sighed.

"But what?"


Oml.... Sorry for the cliffhanger but i love y'all and the short story, theres nothing in my head now xD but THANKS FOR STILL SUPPORTING ME IN THIS BOOK!!~~ LOVE LOTS!! Dont forget to vote!

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