Secrets Within

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"Ashley Holland." The teacher called role in a monotone as we all answered to our names respectively. I raised my hand in answer.

"Here, Mrs. Tanger." I called out with a smile sent her way. Her face brightened considerably and she went on to continue the role call. I rolled my eyes, turning to the notebook on my desk to doodle pictures of my newest crush. He was a cutie, though new, and I couldn't help myself. I'd seen him, and now I couldn't get him out of my mind. I couldn't place why, but he was interesting to me. The worst part was, we hadn't even officially met. But we were going to next class period, I was going to make sure of it.

"Ashley!" Someone to my right whispered, catching my attention. "Ashley! When is your birthday, again?"

"What? My birthday?" I questioned and looked over, realizing it was one of my friends, not a close one though. "Why?"

"Well, it'll be your eighteenth birthday, right?" Sarah Gold asked. I nodded in response. "So it has to be special. When is it?"

"The last Saturday of this month. You can come if you want." I sent her a toothy smile, glad to remember that my birthday was soon. "We're having a pool party. Glow sticks and blacklights, so wear neon."

"Cool, sure thing." She bounced in her seat. "Anything specific you want for your birthday?"

"Not really." I answered, glancing at my notebook and snapping it shut. "Nothing anyone can help with at least."

"Well, let me know if you think of anything." She got up as the bell rang, and skipped out of the class. I rolled my eyes, giggling at her excitement.

I packed everything up and walked out of Mrs. Tanger's classroom, heading straight for drama with Mrs. Falcon. When I got to the door of the classroom, everything froze around me. I smelt something delicious, edible almost. I shook myself out of my daze and stepped up to the door, grabbing the handle and turning it to go inside. The smell only got stronger.

I searched the room for what could be making the almost chocolate-like scent, but there was nothing. Only a few people were in the room, and none had food. One of the people, though, was my mystery man, and he was sitting to the left of my usual spot. I took my seat, not looking at him, and pulled out my Drama IV notebook, glancing every now and again out of the corner of my eye to look at him. He stuck a hand out to me, running his other hand through his midnight black hair.

"Hey, I'm Cole. Cole Feral." He smiled, and I noticed his small lip ring on the left side of his mouth. I looked up, turning toward him to look at him head-on, admiring how God had blessed him, and took his hand to shake it. I took the time to examine every nook and cranny on his face.

"Ashley Holland. It's great to meet you, Cole." I smiled brightly as I felt tingles stemming from his hand touching mine. He pulled his lip ring into his mouth, sucking on it. "So you're new here?"

"It's great to meet you too, Ashley. Pretty name you've got there." He grinned, full and happy, completely ignoring my last question, to my relief.

"Thank you." I blushed, my eyes leaving his crystal blue irises. "I like your name, too."

"Is that so?" He winked. I nodded. "Well this is a pleasant turn of events. Say, Ashley?"


"What's your schedule?"

"M-m-my schedule?" I stuttered, my eyebrows raising. He nodded, pulling his lip ring into his mouth again. I racked my brain, looking for the answer and finally realized what he was asking. "Oh!" I pulled out the timetable sheet they handed all of us at the beginning of the year and handed it to him. He looked it over for a few seconds, his smile growing as he read each line.

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