Makin a channel.

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Your P.O.V: I looked her up on YouTube.Has at LEAST 3 million subs.Crazy right?Ldshadowlady.Maybe i should make a channel.Hmmm...Ill call her up (you got her number😉)Beep boop beep beep boop boop.[she comes over] "Wanna help with makin my channel Lizzie?"She agreed to help.My channel name willlll beeeeeee <insert channel name>

Lizzies P.O.V:
I liked his channel name is cute o///o
"C-cool n-name" [internally face palms]why did i stutter stupid stupid ughhhhh He has a sweet smile ahhh😍

Your P.O.V:She stuttered adorably.Does she like me?Yeah right.
"Im gonna do a <insert channel type>"
"Thats awesome" she said with a smile.O/////O s-so cute. [She moves to the chair closest to you] uhuhuhhuhhhh why is she so close ummmmm [she winks at you] im gonna pass out [you pass out] "get him to the doctor go go he needs an ambulance...HOSPITAL HOSSSSPPPPIUUTTTAAAL
Sry for the cliff hanger so ur in the hospital will you survive or DIIIIIEEE😈I know im evil sry sry 😕 lol jk im not evil

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