Chapter 8

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The next day, I stayed home, hoping for my brothers or dad to call from the hospital saying that mom was awake and okay. I would have gone myself, but after having two attacks in one day they thought I should stay at home and relax. Matt was a little worried about me staying home alone in case I had another attack, but decided that it would be for the best. Truth be told it was making my anxiety worse. If something happened over at the hospital, I wouldn't be there. That worried me more than anything. When I started pacing, I realized that I needed someone to be here with me, so I decided to call the only person that I knew would come at 9pm like this. Dylan.


"Hey Dylan."

"Hey, what's up?

"I was wondering if you would want to come over to my house. I'm home alone right now and I really don't want to be." I bit my nails nervously.

"Yeah, of course." He obviously understood more than what I told him. "I'm not doing anything, I'll be right over."

"Thank you." I sighed in relief. "See you in a bit."

I kept pacing around the house as I waited. After what felt like hours, the doorbell rang and I answered it faster than you could say the word doorbell. "Thank you for coming." I sighed with relief and hugged him after letting him inside. "Of course. I know how hard this must be for you." He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me. I let myself melt into his arms, feeling his warmth radiate into my body.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" I asked when we finally pulled away.

He hesitated and stuffed his hands in his pockets, so I laughed and grabbed his arm. "Come on I'll make us something to eat." I lead him into the kitchen. "You like pasta?" I asked when I looked in the cabinets and saw the canned tomato sauce. "I love pasta." he confirmed with a huge grin. "So do I." I sang, and grabbed everything I would need to make my famous pasta that my whole family loves.

"Everyone loves my pasta." I told him, glancing over. "It was the first thing that I learned to cook."

I let the noodles boil and then began mixing the tomato sauce to go on it. "Would you mind helping me?" I asked Dylan, who was sitting quietly at the breakfast bar. He hopped up. "What do you need?" he asked eagerly. "I need the, uh, ground pepper out of that cabinet behind me. And then could you get the cheese from the fridge too?" I spoke without looking up. I heard the cabinet open and close, and the refrigerator open and close. Then, both items were sat down next to me. I looked over at him and smiled.

As we ate, Dylan kept groaning and saying, "This is the best pasta that I've ever had!" earning giggles from me of course.  "Dylan?" I softly said, watching him scoop his last bit of pasta onto the fork I gave him. "Hmm?" He was chewing and didn't want to talk with his mouth full. "I'm really glad that I met you." I told him. "You're a really good friend." I bit my lip and looked down at my empty plate. Dylan looked concerned. "What's wrong?" His eyebrows were creased with anxiety. "Nothing." I answered. "I'm just glad to have you in my life." The boy smiled at me and grabbed my hand from across the table. He didn't have to say anything, I already knew.

After a while of comfortable silence, I stood up and grabbed our plates. Dylan grabbed my hands and stopped me. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking down at him. All of a sudden, he stood up, grabbed my face and pulled my lips to his. I didn't respond for a moment because I was in shock, but the passion in his kiss made me moan.

I sat the plates back down on the table, ran my hands up his chest and tangled my fingers in his silky brown hair, letting our tongues dance with each other. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto his lap. We only broke our connection when we needed to breathe, panting into each other open mouths. I let my fingers stay tangled in his hair as we caught our breath.

"God, you're so beautiful." He seemed to only be thinking aloud, but his eyes took in my full appearance in complete awe. And it wasn't like I looked my best either. I was in yoga pants and one of my brother's sweatshirts that came down to my thighs. I think it's Tristan's, but I'm not sure because I steal them all the time. My hair was messily thrown into a bun and pieces had come loose. His eyes rested on mine, looking light brown and innocent. "You're adorable." I responded and then stood up from my position on his lap. Without another word, I grabbed our plates and brought them into the kitchen.

I shouldn't be doing this with Dylan. I'm going to get hurt, that's all that's going to happen. I thought back to what my mom said about him maybe being able to help me heal. What if he can? What if he's the guy that could make me forget about all of the pain that Adam put me through? "Katy?" Dylan's voice rang in my ears and snapped me out of my trance. I spun around, wiping the tears from my eyes and putting on a smile. Concern immediately took over his features. "Are you okay?" He hurried over to me and grabbed my waist. I avoided eye contact with him. "Yeah, I'm fine, just allergies." I lied, but he didn't look like he believed me even a little bit.

"Don't lie to me." He pulled me close by my waist. I looked up at him.

"Please don't hurt me." I spoke, voice shaking. "I- I've been hurt before... really badly and I... I don't think I could handle it again so please don't. If you just want me for sex—"

"Whoa, Katy, where is this coming from?" he said, still gripping my waist as his eyes skimmed my face.

I just buried my face in his chest and let him hold me because I needed to be held. He didn't pressure me for answers, he just rubbed my back until my tears had stopped flowing. Then, he carried me into my room and tucked me into bed.

Knowing him, he'd probably go lay down on the couch downstairs or something crazy like that. "Dylan?" I grabbed his hand and gazed up at him. "Lay with me." I slowly pulled him down next to me and covered him with my blankets. Then, I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes, breathing in his comforting scent. "Oh and Dylan?" I spoke after a couple minutes, hoping he was still awake. "Hmm?" His voice was laced with sleep. "Thank you for being here for me." I mumbled, cuddling into his chest. "Of course." he whispered, sounding more awake now.



"Will you be my girlfriend?" I almost sat up in shock, but I stayed still with my head rested on Dylan's chest.

"Of course." I leaned up and kissed him softly.

"Really?" he whispered against my lips, not seeming to believe it.


Metal Chains {Dylan O'Brien}Where stories live. Discover now