Hooked on Badboy

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Hey guys this is my first story ever, and this part took forever to write. Tell me if u like it, comments would be awesome!!! Also, be patient with me. I like to write in detail so it takes a bit longer than normal posts. Oh! And i dont really like this title, so um... HELP ME!!!!!

Rose <3


Hooked on Badboy

Chapter 1:

"WAKE UP, JASLINE!!" my older brother yelled in my ear.

"Austin, what the Fu-!" before I could finish, my little sister Savannah, had tackled me down and was tickling my sides, while Austin pinned my arms to the bed. I started laughing and squealing while trying and failing to get out of Austin's iron grip. Ugh, I don't even know why I'm trying. I already know it's pointless. In case you don't get it, my brother is hella strong.

"LET GO OF ME, ASSHOLE!" I managed to shout out in between my laughter. Wow my abs hurt. Savvy gets out of Austin's lap and crawls into mine. "Jazzy," she says and looks up at me; she still has that adorable pout on her face, "What's an asshole?"

I don't want to lie to her so I say, "It's Austin's nickname"

"Oh. Okay," she says while getting off my lap and running out of the room.

I look up to see Austin glaring at me with his grey eyes. I get up out of the bed and hit the back of his head. "Sucker."

He slowly stands and towers over me. "Here, do it again shorty...if you can reach my head," he smirks. Ugh!! I hate tall people.

"Geez, why do you treat Savvy so nicely? She's the one that pulls more pranks on you than I do, and you pick on me!!" I rant. I hate when he uses his height against me.

"Aww Jazz, I still love you, but she's a baby, and have you seen her pout?" he says while giving me a hug." How about I make it up to you by giving you a piggy back ride to the kitchen?"

"Hell yah!"

"Okay then, hop on," he turned his back to me and bent down a little to make it easier for me to jump on. We walk into the kitchen to see my sister eating her eggs sunny side up. Yummy.

My mom who is cooking turns around and asks, "You want one?"

My stomach decides to answer for me by growling.

"I think that's a yes," my dad looks up from the news paper and smiles.

"Dang Jazz, I felt the vibrations on my back!" Austin whines as he bent down so I could jump off. I got us both a plate and eggs and stared eating.

I should probably give you some background on my family. My mother, Rayne, is half Indian and half African. She is also very short at 4'11" and beautiful with her dark brown hair, very close to black, big brown eyes, and high cheekbones. My dad, Josh, is one quarter Indian, and three quarters German. He is pretty good looking for his age, with his dark brown hair, piercing brown eyes, and naturally tan skin. Savannah, is five years old, has dark brown hair and eyes, and pale skin. She's too young to have any hobbies, but she's a kick*ss prankster. Last week, she woke Austin up at 3 am and told him he was going to be late for school. He woke up, got ready and drove to school in the dark. He can be so stupid sometimes, but we still love him. Austin is the special one in our family. He is 6'3", has dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. As captain of the lacrosse team, you could say that he's the 'most wanted' senior. There are always girls throwing themselves at him. You guys are probably wondering why he is special, right? Well he isn't my real brother. My parents adopted him when I was seven and he was eight. His father died in a drunken driving accident and his mother was a drug addict, who was sent to prison. Since there was no one in his family that wanted him, he was put in an orphanage. We became best friends right away, and it's been like that ever since.

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