What did you do?!

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Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, everyone knew they hated each other, and this was just another one of their little duels, right?


"Puer Convertens!"

Suddenly, Harry had vanished. Or had he? Harry's head certainly wasn't where it had been before. Hermione and Ron looked down and saw a small raven haired boy wearing glasses that seemed a bit big for him. Hermione gasped at the sight of her friend, holding a hand to her mouth. Ron turned on Draco, whipping out his wand. "What did you do?!" Draco was staring at the small child, seemingly shocked as though he hadn't expected the spell to work. "I said, what did you do?!" Ron yelled at Draco, pointing his wand at Draco's face. 

"I- I didn't think the spell would work!"

"Why did you use it then?"

"Because I was defending myself!"

"Guys!" Hermione had spoken up finally and was holding the little Harry, who looked very confused and kept asking where he was and who these people were. Draco and Ron fell silent and stared at Hermione. "We need to bring Harry to the hospital wing to see if there's some way to turn him back."

"Fine." Ron spat, "but I'm going to make you pay later." He poked Malfoy, who held his hands up in surrender. Harry's bright green eyes were still wide with confusion and fear. He looked up at Hermione, who was still holding him tightly and beginning to walk towards the castle. 

"W-who are you people? Did you take me from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia? They won't be happy, I never finished cleaning the house.." Hermione stopped, looking at Harry. 

"Those people make a five year old clean the entire house?!" She seemed furious and Harry jumped, curling up a bit in her arms. "Sorry Harry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"How do you know my name?"

"It's... a long story. Now, hurry up Ron! You too Draco, you are going to tell Madam Pomfrey exactly how Harry came to be five years old." Draco groaned and reluctantly followed, Ron still shooting daggers at him. Literally. He kept conjuring small daggers and shooting them towards Draco, who luckily was quick enough to dodge them all. "And stop making daggers Ron! You're scaring Harry!" Harry was indeed frightened, staring at the daggers magically appearing and shooting at Draco. 

"How's he doing that?"

"He's using magic, Harry." Harry covered his mouth with his little hands, gasping.

"You said the 'm' word."

"Excuse me?"

"Uncle Vernon says to never say the 'm' word."

"What is the 'm' word?"

"I think he means 'magic', Hermione." Ron had finally left Draco alone and come up to Hermione. Harry gasped again, confirming Ron's suspicions. Draco followed, snorting with amusement.

"He's afraid of magic?" Harry winced again. "Magic magic magic magic magic!" Harry began crying, covering his face with his hands. Draco just laughed. "Oh, this will be fun."

"Stop it Draco!" Hermione cradled Harry, trying to calm him down. "You really are a filthy snake." Draco smirked. 

"Yep, and proud of it! And my Pureblood heritage. Unfortunately you can't say the same, can you Mudblood?" Ron's face turned red with rage.

"ALRIGHT THAT'S IT!" He tackled Draco to the ground and began slamming his fist wherever he could reach. Draco held his hand out to protect himself before pulling out his wand again.

"Protego!" Ron went flying into a tree. Harry squeaked with fear as Ron Stupefied Draco, rendering the blond Slytherin frozen on the ground. 

"Ron! Ugh, just... levitate him to the hospital wing, we don't have time for this." Ron was muttering under his breath as he levitated Draco. As they walked, he went out of his way to make sure he bumped Draco into every tree possible. 


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like this story, I'll try to update as frequently as possible. I know I'm just going to look back on this in a while and cringe, but eh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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