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edited + re-written

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edited + re-written

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age 15

Y/N and Katsuki had ended up attending the same middle school and Y/N was quick to befriend the only other quirkless person in her school, Izuku Midoriya, much to Katsuki's dismay.

Even though Katsuki often made fun of Izuku for being quirkless, Y/N never took what he said to heart and told Izuku to just ignore him, knowing he probably had a superiority complex or something, but Katsuki never got out of it without a huge scolding from the girl herself.

He had tried his hardest to listen to her, but Izuku infuriated him so much he just couldn't help it.

Which takes us to the scene that was unfolding currently.

It was almost the end of their final year before they went off to high school.

Y/N had already picked out her school, a school fit for quirkless people such as herself, while Katsuki was going for U.A high, still striving for the spot of the number one hero.

He had tried persuading her to attend U.A in the general studies department, but she declined every time, saying it's not something she wanted. He gave up after a couple of tries, being a good best friend and listening to her wishes.

He was determined to be the only one from their middle school to try out for the hero course, until the teacher announced that Izuku was also going for a spot at the prestigious hero school and well, saying Katsuki didn't like that would be an understatement. Like a huge one . . .

Whilst Y/N tried to comfort her freckled friend, the rest of the class just laughed at him, saying a quirkless loser like himself would never be fit for such a school.

Y/N disagreed, if he wanted to try she would support that, which infuriated Katsuki even more.

He was quick to slam his hand on Izuku's desk, using his quirk to cause a small explosion, making Y/N flinch and Midoriya fall from his chair in the process.

"Listen up Deku."

He spat his name with so much venom you'd think he was a snake.

"You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe. You really think they'd let some extra like you in when they could have me?"

Y/N sighed as Izuku tried to defend himself before she stood up and lifted him from the ground, shooting a sharp glare in Katsuki's direction as she did so. If looks could kill, he would have been dead a long time ago.

"Lay off a little, Katsuki, for Gods sake. If Izuku wants to go for it then he has every right to, there's no need to get your knickers in a knot over it."

"He'd never even pass the exams. Poor, defenceless little Izuku! He'd just embarrass this school even more by failing and the fact that you support that infuriates me even more Y/N."

She rolled her eyes as she placed Izuku back in his seat before taking her own.

"Just sit down and shut up for once, unlike all you brainless morons, I'm actually trying to listen."

Everyone shut up after that.

Y/N had never really had trouble with bullies, everyone knew if they even looked at her the wrong way Katsuki would blow their heads off before they had a chance to explain themselves.


The end of the day had finally come and Y/N was waiting for Izuku to finish packing up so she could walk home with him, she usually went with Katsuki, but she felt like a change today.

She was scrolling through her phone whilst listening to Deku's mindless rambling before she heard Katsuki speak up.

She looked up to see him using his quirk on one of Izuku's hero note books causing her to frown.

She listened for a few moments as they insulted her friend before she'd finally had enough as Katsuki threw the notebook out the window.

She was quick to run for it, leaning out the window as her fingers grazed the edge of the book, but she wasn't quick enough to catch it. She stayed there for a moment, half of her body handing out the window, before she felt hands on her waist, pulling her back into the classroom.

Glancing back she realised it was the Devil himself.

"Are you trying to throw yourself out the fûcking window? Be more careful you idiot."

The H/C girl just huffed, grabbing her bag in one hand before she took Midoroya's in her other, dragging him out the classroom she spared Katsuki one last glance.

"I'm walking home with Izuku today, I'll see you later."

With that said, she left.

She didn't let go of Izuku's hand until they were outside and she couldn't help but laugh at his flustered expression.

"I'm sorry that he's such a jerk to you, I've told him to lay off a lot, but he doesn't listen."

Izuku shook his head rapidly as he retrieved his book from the pond.

"Don't worry about it, thanks for helping me."

Y/N just nodded in response.

The walk was silent, but it was a comfortable one. She walked with him half way before they went their separate ways, bidding each other a quick goodbye before walking off.

Y/N was wishing she hadn't left after all seeing as both of her friends got into trouble that day.

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A/N - from here on out Katsuki and Y/N will be 15 in all oncoming chapters :)

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