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"So, Halloween costumes," Harry starts, leaning against the bare chalkboard with his arms crossed. When a few students giggle, he notices that they're all looking at the belt on his jeans. He looks down to see the leaves on his hips peeking out from under the jumper he's wearing, so he straightens up.

The rain's made it difficult for everyone to get to class on time this morning; he and Layla decided to drink their morning coffee in his classroom and work on their respective lesson plans, so Harry was in before any of his students could arrive.

She laughed as soon as she walked into the classroom, which is apparently exactly like Jodie's save for the chalkboard and the maps hung on the walls, with a "why is your classroom exactly like I pictured it?", and sat across from him in Madison's usual seat until the bell rang and she left him to read over his lecture.

As badly as he wants to get started with said lecture on Austria in the 16th century (titled 'Maria and Joseph, sans Jesus' because Harry needs to make outlining entertaining), he's decided to give the missing kids a bit of time. It would be unfair for them to miss out, he thinks, especially because he's giving them an exam next week. A bit of conversation won't hurt, and they're already chattering anyway.   

"Lay 'em on me. I need ideas."

The kids starts buzzing about video game character costumes and 'sexy' occupational outfits, which shouldn't shock Harry as much as it does because that's fairly normal. Daisy's been hunting for a special Tinkerbell costume for the cabaret bar's annual Halloween party next week (and a matching Peter Pan for Niall), and even Anna's decided to sexualize her Ophelia costume. Harry doesn't have a costume yet, but reckons he needs one if he's to help set up the upcoming carnival with Danny and Mrs. Tomkins and go to the cabaret bar afterwards.

"I'm going to be Stevie Nicks," Madison declares, tapping the toes of her trainers together. Harry doesn't like the mud she's shaking out onto the floor, but his face certainly lights up with her costume choice.

"Hipster," Vanessa rolls her eyes behind Madison. There's been tension between the two recently, but it's none of his business, so Harry pretends not to notice.

"That's sick," he grins. "She's my favorite."

Madison's eyes gleam, and Harry catches Vanessa's frown behind her. "Really? I love her, too!"

"I named my cat Rhiannon after the song," Harry admits as Madison smiles.

"That's so perfect! I think I'm going to be Stevie from the Edge of Seventeen video, though. I like her solo stuff better."

"That's a good Stevie to be. You have the hair for it," he tells her, gesturing to the wild curls hanging around her face.

"You think so? You could be Stevie Nicks, too, since your hair's so long," she giggles, but quickly gasps. "Oh, wait, what about Mick Jagger? He's a Leo, but his moon is in Aquarius, and you kind of look like him."

Harry snorts, familiar with the comparison. Ginny always told him that was what compelled her to talk to him for the first time, during one of parties at the old flat. Last he's heard, per a conversation with Gemma on his walk home from the gym yesterday, she and Michael are having a December wedding. "So I've been told."

"What about a pirate? You wear a lot of pirate shirts," a boy with a skinhead says from the back row. Harry's still at a loss for his name, but he knows what his handwriting looks like, and that counts for something.

"And you have a ton of tattoos," Madison chirps as the last bit of students walk through the door, the damp smell of morning rain filling the cold classroom.

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