Chapter four: The Rescue (part one)

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Chapter four:


"Crucio!!" Thalia screamed in pain. My eyes shut closed as if it would drown out her screams

'Messy black hair, emerald green eyes, knobby knees, circle glasses'

My eyes flew open as Thalia's screams died down. The toad women next moved to Jason.

'A lighting scar........the symbol of being hit by a powerful curse'

"Crucio!!" Another scream filled the air.

'The Boy Who lived.......the one who will save us all'

Next was Nico, then me.

"Crucio!!" Nothing. Just silence and the sound of Nico twitching on the ground.

"Crucio!!" Again, nothing. Just him crying out in pain.

"CRUICO!!!" This time, Nico screamed.

'He was coming to help us.....he had an army.....D.A......Dumbledores Army...'

Toad women stopped in front of me and raised my head up so I had to look at her ugly face

'He knows what we were too...'

"Mr. Jackson you know you deserve this. You mustn't tell lies."

'We're demigods.....offspring of the gods....'

"This is your punishment for lying."

'He hates her......Umbridge........'

"CRUCIO!!!" I screamed in pain. It was like jumping in the River Styx all over again, only this time, I wasn't becoming invincible.

'What was his name anyway?'

She did the spell again, only this time, she had some friends do the same spell on Jason, Thalia, and Nico.

'Harold Peterson? No, that doesn't sound right....'

"You must not tell lies." Thalia glared at her.

"We weren't lying." She spat. Umbridge sighed and did the spell again. Thalia screamed in pain.

'Harry Parker? Nope, still not right.'

"What was that Miss. Grace?" Thalia didn't answer.

'He knows my name.....but I can't remember his.'

"Now tomorrow at midnight, you will be moved to Azkaban, where you filthy half-Breeds belong."

'I turned my head over to the side and I could of swore I saw him.'

Umbridge waved her hand and the guards picked each one of us up to put us in our cages.

'Standing right there next to me. And when the guards moved he followed.'

The guards tossed us in our cages and left.

'He walked up to my cage and mouthed "Are you Percy?"'

I nodded.

'He smiled and mouthed again "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."'

I frowned and said "The Boy Who Lived?"

'He nodded and mouthed "I'll get you out tomorrow."'

I nodded thankfully and said "Some Time before Midnight."

'He nodded and mouthed "Your Father says not to lose hope Percy. And that he's sorry."'

I frowned. "For what?" I asked.

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