dom!Ink x sub!Error: Problematic student (idk)

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Requested by: @Inkthebitch (sorry it isn't lemon but I will write one I swear!) and @amberat13
In this story Error and Ink height's are swapped, so Error smaller than Ink!
(Edge= UF!Pap)
Nobody's POV~

Ink stepped inside of the classroom. It was noisy, but he was used to it. When he coughed to clear his throat, everybody looked at him and prepared their tools for the art class. One student caught his attention, who's paintbrushes was glued together at the half. Ink remembered, his name was Error. He greeted the class then walked to front of Error's table. "What's happened with those paintbrushes?" He asked. Error hesitated, but opened his mouth. "I-I jUSt WanTeD tO pRacTICe aT HoME, bUt I AccIDentLY BrOKe ThEM." Error answered nervously. 'Accidently? How did he do that?' Ink asked from himself then walked to his table and continued the painting class.

When the bell rang everyone ran out of the room, but before Error could leave Ink grabbed his sleeve, wich made him jump. "DoNT TOucH mE!" he yelled. "Oh, sorry, I didn't wanted to scare you.." Ink apologized and looked at Error. "O-oH, DOn't Worry, I jUSt tHOuGhT tHaT YOu wERe oNE OF tHOsE BasTArDs.." he said and blushed as he made eye contact with his teacher. He wasn't used to touching, but he didn't wanted to tell it to him. "sO.. wHat DId YoU wANtEd FROm mE?" he asked. "Oh!.. I heard that you're not the best student at the other classes, but in mine I don't see problem with you. I just wanted to ask why, can I?" Ink said, and Error was a blushing mess by now. He couldn't tell it to him, but what else could he say? No? That would be rude, and he didn't wanted Ink to be angry at him-
"Did I said something wrong? If I did I'm sorry-" Ink was cut at the half because Error kissed him. "I-IM SoRrY I-i JusT- It ISn'T wHAT iT LoOk LIkE-" He stuttered, but even if he tried not to it all came out just worse, so he ran away in embarassment. Ink just stood there as realization hit him, and was about to run after Error but somebody stepped in the room. "Hi Ink! Why did that student ran out? Oh, and there are some papers, take it, Edge asked me to give them to you." Blue said in his energetic tone as he handed the papers to Ink. He took them and ran after Error, because he had no time to deal with a sugar-bomb. Blueberry just watched how Ink's figure disappeared far away.

Error ran to the back of the gym and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, then a lighter and started smoking. 'Why did I do that?!' Error asked himself but he already knew the answer. He loved his teacher with all of his heart and he just couldn't stop himself and kissed him. Error was grabbed out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps. He threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it, then grabbed his bag and started running but somebody grabbed his arm from behind.
"Finally! I searched you in the whole school!" Ink said and Error just froze. He couldn't say anything, so he just waited for his punishment, but it never came. The other male just tried to catch his breath but nothing other than that. "Y-YoU CaME tO JUdgE mE?" Error asked nervously as he started shaking. He still didn't faced his teacher, who now breathed calmly and focused on the situation. "Of course not! I came because I worried about you! You just ran away, of course I searched for you!" Ink said and hugged Error wich made him glitch out badly. He stepped backward as Ink released his grasp, and tried to broke the silent but Ink spoke up. "So.. this chat might be awkward.. no, it is. But we have to speak about it-" "N-O!" Error shouted at him and held the bag to his chest tightly. Ink sighed and smiled. "Then I guess we have to solve it in an other way." he said and kissed Error. "We will speak about it later. Oh, and don't smoke at the school, this is your first and last warning." he whispered to Error's ear and left him as a blushing mess.


Woaaah, update

it was like what, 2 week without anything? Maybe 3? Ehh nevermind, sorry xD

I hope u liked it :D I'll maybe write this story as a full story not just like this, because I like this idea :3 But of course I would rewrite it and make it longer, better, etc.. but idk.. maybe I"ll not, but maybe I will  do it :D

And sorry for grammar/spelling (idk wich is the right word xd) mistakes, I write every.. NIGHT. Yeah it's a bad habit I can't avoid, sorry :/

Next will be Scifell fluff and ErrorInk lemon :3

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