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A/N: First imagine up in a really long time wow.. I made Dylan kinda asshole-y in this imagine which makes me sad cause DYLAN IS A BEAUTIFUL AND ADORABLE CREATURE but this imagine needed some spice to it. And I also changed it up a little bit. I’ve been working on my writing a bit recently so I hope it shows through in this imagine.





"Dylan I’m going into fucking labor, will you just drive me to the hospital already?!!" you yelled at your boyfriend, Dylan.

"No, I will not fucking drive you to the hospital, you’ve been such a bitch recently" he yelled back at you.

At this point you had tears streaming down your face, while Dylan was red as a tomato.

"Do you even realize how stupid you sound??!! "No,no, i wont drive my pregnant girlfriend who’s going into labor to the hospital cause she’s been being a bitch to me"" I yelled at him,almost choking on my own tear. You could’ve cut the tension in the room with a knife,it was like a battle field, a war zone. He stayed silent. Your contractions were becoming closer to each other by the minute.

"You know what, if you’re not gonna drive me to the hospital, I’ll just do it myself" you said before exiting the house. You couldn’t believe it. Your boyfriend of 4 years,was that much of an ass. You started up the car and was about to leave the driveway when you felt an excruciating tension in your lady part. You screamed out in pain,knowing that you had to start pushing now and there was no time to go to the hospital.

You didn’t want to go back in the house and ask for Dylan’s help so you moved to the back of the car,laid yourself down,took off your pants and spread your legs open.

You started to push. You had to bite your lip to keep yourself from screaming, the pain was too much. You kept on doing this for about 15 minutes but hope.

You noticed Dylan knocking on your window. You got up and pulled it down.

“What do you want?” you asked with an annoyed tone.

“Look, I bet you’re still pissed at me and I’m still pissed at you too but there is no way in hell I’m missing the birth of my first child. Now,open this door.” he demanded. You did as he said.

He picked you up and carried you back in the house and laid you down on your guys’ bed.

"I’m going to go get some gloves and a pair of scissors. Stay here and take deep breaths, and uh if you feel pain just punch this pillow" he said handing you a pillow. You took deep breaths and furiously punched the pillow waiting for Dylan to return.

He returned with the items shortly after.

"Okay so now I’m going to need you to push for me,you got that?" he said looking up at you as you simply nodded. "On the count of 3.1,2,3" and you started pushing with all the strength you have. This went on until you heard the sounds of a baby wailing. You sighed in relief.

"It’s a boy" he declared. "Babe, he’s beautiful" he said as he cut the cord and carried him to you.

"Wow" you said in astonishment. You usually were the type to make fun of couple who did this,but now you understood. "I wanna hold him" you said and he gently placed the baby in your arms.Tears fell out from yours and his eyes causing the both of you chuckle. You both watched your baby boy in silence,his arm wrapped around the both of you for the rest of the night.Enjoying the moment before driving to the hospital the next day.

A/N: Hope you guys liked it! Next imagine will be up once this gets 20+ votes :))))

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